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Social functioning and quality of life in the schizophrenic patient: advantages of amisulpride.


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Schizophrenia is associated with significant social, psychological and occupational dysfunction. Not only is this distressing for the patients and their family and friends, but it also results in high indirect costs. Reintegration back into society, one of the most important aspects of quality life for schizophrenic patients and their physicians, must therefore take into account a patient's social functioning and employability, as well as improvement in symptoms. Although the typical antipsychotics are effective in managing the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, they may not alleviate other aspects of the disorder. They are also associated with extrapyramidal symptoms and other severe adverse events that have significant consequences for quality of life and compliance. The atypical antipsychotic, amisulpride, has an improved safety and tolerability profile and has been shown to be significantly more effective than placebo and haloperidol on a number of quality of life and social functioning scales, including the Global Assessment of Functioning, the Quality of Life Scale, the Functional Status Questionnaire and the Psychosocial Aptitude Rating Scale. In conclusion, amisulpride, in addition to its proven clinical efficacy, may help reintegration of the schizophrenic patient back into society.
机译:精神分裂症与严重的社会,心理和职业功能障碍有关。这不仅给患者及其家人和朋友带来困扰,而且导致高昂的间接费用。因此,重新融入社会是精神分裂症患者及其医生的优质生活的最重要方面之一,因此必须考虑患者的社会功能和就业能力以及症状的改善。尽管典型的抗精神病药可有效治疗精神分裂症的阳性症状,但它们可能无法缓解精神分裂症的其他方面。它们还与锥体束外症状和其他严重不良事件相关,这些不良事件会对生活质量和依从性产生重大影响。非典型抗精神病药氨磺必利具有改善的安全性和耐受性,在许多生活质量和社会功能量表(包括全球功能评估,生活质量量表)上,已被证明比安慰剂和氟哌啶醇更有效。 ,功能状态问卷和心理社会能力评定量表。总之,氨磺必利除其已证明的临床疗效外,还可帮助精神分裂症患者重新融入社会。



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