首页> 外文期刊>British journal of nursing: BJN >Evaluation of the transitional care model in chronic heart failure.

Evaluation of the transitional care model in chronic heart failure.


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BACKGROUND: Chronic heart failure (CHF) prevalence is on the increase in the UK, with readmissions to hospital and length of stay remaining a significant problem both for patients and the NHS. The role of the clinical nurse specialist in the management of CHF patients has yielded positive results in a number of previous studies. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a transitional care service on readmissions and length of stay in hospital for patients with CHF. DESIGN: A quasi-experimental design was used over a period of 18 weeks. The historical group (n=50) and the transitional care group (n=47) were compared. METHOD: The study was carried out in an acute hospital trust. A patient questionnaire was used as a post-intervention measure. RESULTS: The number of readmissions was higher in the control group (14%; n=7) compared with the transitional care group (8.5%; n=4; P=0.526). Difference in length of stay for both groups almost achieved statistical significance (P=0.06). Patients gave positive feedback about the service. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the introduction of the transitional care service did not reduce the number of readmissions. The length of stay, if anything, appeared to increase in the historical group when compared with the transitional group. Although it was clear that the two groups were different in important ways, causal effect cannot be attributed to the transitional care group as a result of these other differences. Results from the patient satisfaction questionnaires used in the transitional group did illustrate satisfaction with the discharge process and care received.
机译:背景:在英国,慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患病率呈上升趋势,再次住院和住院时间仍然是患者和NHS的重大问题。在先前的许多研究中,临床护士专家在CHF患者管理中的作用已产生积极的结果。目的:评估过渡性护理服务对CHF患者再入院和住院时间的有效性。设计:在18周的时间内使用了准实验设计。比较了历史组(n = 50)和过渡护理组(n = 47)。方法:该研究是在一家急性医院信托基金中进行的。患者问卷被用作干预后措施。结果:与过渡护理组(8.5%; n = 4; P = 0.526)相比,对照组(14%; n = 7)的再入院率更高。两组的住院时间差异几乎达到统计学意义(P = 0.06)。患者对该服务给予了积极的反馈。结论:结果表明过渡医疗服务的引入并没有减少再入院的次数。与过渡组相比,历史组的住院时间(如果有的话)似乎有所增加。尽管很明显,两组在重要方面有所不同,但因这些其他差异而不能将因果效应归因于过渡护理组。过渡组使用的患者满意度调查表的结果确实说明了对出院过程和所接受护理的满意度。



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