首页> 外文期刊>Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Responses to the renovation of an irrigated perennial pasture in northern Victoria. 1. Pasture consumption and nutritive characteristics.

Responses to the renovation of an irrigated perennial pasture in northern Victoria. 1. Pasture consumption and nutritive characteristics.

机译:对维多利亚州北部多年生灌溉牧场的翻修的回应。 1.牧场消费和营养特征。

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A field experiment was established in northern Victoria in the autumn of 1999 to quantify the effects of renovating a 15-year-old irrigated perennial pasture which had a high paspalum content [>40% dry matter (DM)] in summer. The treatments were: (i) control, the existing pasture; (ii) oversown, in which the existing pasture was grazed, topped and direct drilled; and (iii) resown, in which the existing pasture was sprayed, cultivated and sown with a new pasture. The grass species used in both renovation treatments were perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass and tall fescue. The treatments were grazed by dairy cows when the perennial ryegrass had reached the 2.5-3 leaf stage. Grazing of the resown tall fescue coincided with the resown ryegrass in years 1 and 2, but in subsequent years, resown tall fescue was grazed at a rising plate meter height of 80 mm. All treatments were grazed to a residual pasture height of 40-45 mm, as measured with a rising plate meter. Pasture consumption (measured as DM removed by dairy cows), in vitro DM digestibility (in vitro DMD) and crude protein (CP) contents were measured. Oversowing increased pasture consumption over the 4-year period, compared with the control, by an average of 1.1 t DM/ha.year when oversown once with perennial ryegrass and by 1.6 t DM/ha.year when oversown annually with Italian ryegrass. This increase occurred principally during the winter-spring period for pastures oversown with both perennial (0.7 t DM/ha) and Italian (1.6 t DM/ha) ryegrass. Oversowing with perennial or Italian ryegrass did not affect the in vitro DMD or CP content of the pasture on offer. These results show that oversowing with either perennial or Italian ryegrass is a viable means of increasing pasture availability over winter and spring from perennial pastures consisting of a mixture of perennial ryegrass, white clover and paspalum. Pasture consumption in the first 12 months after resowing was 3.5-4.1 t DM/ha lower from the resown than from the control pasture. This was because of two fewer grazings in autumn-winter and to reductions in pasture consumption of 20% in spring and of 40% in summer. These reductions would add considerably to the cost of resowing through increasing the need for supplementary feeding. Pasture consumption from the resown perennial ryegrass pasture in years 2-4 was, on average, the same as the control, although it was higher during winter and spring and lower during summer. Pasture consumption from the resown tall fescue pasture in years 2-4 was, on average, 2.5 t DM/ha.year higher than that of the resown perennial ryegrass pasture, with most of this increase occurring in summer and autumn. The resown pastures had higher in vitro DMD and CP contents than the control with little difference between the resown perennial ryegrass and tall fescue pastures. These findings show that tall fescue is a viable alternative to perennial ryegrass when resowing pastures. The use of nitrogen fertiliser did not affect the in vitro DMD or CP contents of the pasture on offer but allowed an increase in DM consumption, with this increase being greater for the control and oversown pastures than for the resown pasture..
机译:1999年秋天,在维多利亚州北部建立了一个野外实验,以量化对15岁的灌溉多年生牧草进行翻新的效果,该牧草夏季具有很高的pa肉含量[> 40%干物质(DM)]。处理方法是:(i)对照,现有牧场; (ii)过度播种,即在现有牧场上放牧,打顶并直接钻孔; (iii)重新播种,将现有牧场喷洒,栽培并播种新牧场。两种翻新处理中使用的草种是多年生黑麦草,意大利黑麦草和高羊茅。当多年生黑麦草达到2.5-3叶期时,由奶牛放牧处理。在第1年和第2年,放牧高脚羊茅与重播黑麦草同时发生,但在随后的几年中,在高出平板高度80 mm时放牧了高脚羊茅。将所有处理放牧到40-45 mm的剩余牧场高度,如用上升平板计测量的。测量了牧场消耗(以奶牛去除的DM量),体外DM消化率(体外DMD)和粗蛋白(CP)含量。与对照相比,过度播种在4年期间的草场消费量增加,当多年生黑麦草过度播种一次时,牧草消费量平均为1.1 t DM / ha.year,而相比之下,当意大利黑麦草年度覆盖过度时,牧草消费量平均每年增加1.6 t DM / ha.year。这种增长主要发生在冬春季期,因为多年生(0.7 t DM / ha)黑麦草和意大利(1.6 t DM / ha)黑麦草被过度播种。多年生或意大利黑麦草的过度播种不会影响所提供牧场的体外DMD或CP含量。这些结果表明,在多年生和多年生黑麦草,白三叶草和雀consisting的混合物组成的多年生牧草上,多年生或意大利黑麦草的过度播种是增加牧草可用性的可行方法。放牧后的前12个月,放牧后的牧草消耗量比对照牧草减少了3.5-4.1 t DM /公顷。这是因为秋冬季放牧次数减少了两次,春季的草场消耗减少了20%,夏天的草场消耗减少了40%。这些减少将通过增加对补充饲料的需求而大大增加重新饲养的成本。尽管在冬季和春季较高,而在夏季较低,但在2-4年间,再生的多年生黑麦草牧场的牧场消耗平均与对照相同。在2-4年间,重新种植的高羊茅草牧场的牧草消费量比重新种植的多年生黑麦草牧场平均高2.5 t DM / ha.year,其中大部分增加发生在夏季和秋季。翻耕过的牧草具有比对照更高的体外DMD和CP含量,翻新过的多年生黑麦草和高羊茅草牧场之间的差异很小。这些发现表明,在放牧后,高羊茅是多年生黑麦草的可行替代品。氮肥的使用不会影响所提供牧场的体外DMD或CP含量,但会增加DM的消耗量,与对照牧场和翻耕牧场相比,这种增加更大。



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