首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics >Secure Speaker Verification at Web Login Page Using Cepstral Features

Secure Speaker Verification at Web Login Page Using Cepstral Features


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The recent development of online activity increases the need of security in the web login page. The login page using speaker verification can be use as high secure user verification method for web application. In this research, the speaker recognition system on web page has successfully built for login authentication security. This system consists of digital signal processing to extract the speaker features in Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC), Nonlinear Power Spectral Subtraction to filter the speech signal from contaminating noise, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to imitate the voice tract model, K-Means and Expectation-Maximation (EM) algorithm for training the model. In order to improve the security level, the system uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with 1024 bits RSA encryption. From this research, we have succeeded in optimizing the signal quality up to 5 dB SNR, the mean error recognition level of FAR about 23.3% and FRR 27.5 and the maximum accuracy of recognition system around 88% when the quality of speech signal is clean. The computation time for enrolment is about 552573.5 milliseconds and for verification about 129062.6 milliseconds.
机译:在线活动的最新发展增加了Web登录页面中安全性的需求。使用说话者验证的登录页面可以用作Web应用程序的高度安全的用户验证方法。在这项研究中,网页上的说话人识别系统已经成功地构建用于登录认证安全性。该系统包括数字信号处理以提取说话人特征的梅尔频率倒谱系数(MFCC),非线性功率谱减法以从污染噪声中过滤语音信号,高斯混合模型(GMM)模仿语音管道模型,K-Means以及用于模型训练的Expectation-Maximation(EM)算法。为了提高安全级别,系统使用具有1024位RSA加密的安全套接字层(SSL)。通过这项研究,我们成功地优化了高达5 dB SNR的信号质量,当语音信号质量良好时,FAR的平均错误识别水平约为23.3%,FRR为27.5,识别系统的最高准确度约为88%。注册的计算时间约为552573.5毫秒,而验证的计算时间约为129062.6毫秒。



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