首页> 外文期刊>International Geology Review >Legacy of the California Gold Rush: Environmental Geochemistry of Arsenic in the Southern Mother Lode Gold District

Legacy of the California Gold Rush: Environmental Geochemistry of Arsenic in the Southern Mother Lode Gold District


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Gold mining activity in the Sierra Nevada foothills, both recently and during the California Gold Rush, has exposed arsenic-rich pyritic rocks to weathering and erosion. This study describes arsenic concentration and speciation in three hydrogeologic settings in the southern Mother Lode Gold District: mineralized outcrops and mine waste rock (overburden): mill tailings submerged in a water reservoir; and lake waters in this monomictic reservoir and in a monomictic lake developing within a recent open-pit mine. These environments are characterized by distinct modes of rock-water interaction that influence the local transport and fate of arsenic. Arsenic in outcrops and waste rock occurs in arsenian pyrite containing an average of 2 wt percent arsenic. Arsenic is concentrated up to 1300 ppm in fine-grained, friable, iron-rich weathering products of the arsenian pyrite (goethite, jarosite, copiapite). which develop as efflorescences and ('rusts on weathering outcrops. Arsenic is sorbed as a bidentate complex on goethite. and substitutes for sulfate in jarosite.Submerged mill tailings obtained by gravity core at Don Pedro Reservoir contain arsenic up to 300 ppm in coarse sand layers. Overlying surface muds have less arsenic in the solid fraction but higher concentrations in porewaters (up to 500 #mu# g/L) than the sands. Fine quartz tailings also contain up to 3.5 ppm mercury related to the ore processing. The pH values in sediment porewaters range from 3.7 in buried gypsum-bearing sands and tailings to 7 in the overlying lake sediments. Reservoir waters immediately above the cores contain up to 3.5 #mu# g/L arsenic; lake waters away from the submerged tailings typically contain less than 1 #mu# g/L arsenic.Dewatering during excavation of the Harvard open-pit mine produced a hydrologic cone of depression that has been recovering toward the pre-mining groundwater configuration since mining ended in 1994. Aqueous arsenic concentrations in the 80 m deep pit lake are up to 1000 #mu# g/L. Redistribution of the arsenic occurs during summer stratification, with highest concentrations at middle depths. The total mass of arsenic in the pit lake increases coinciding with early winter rains that erode, partially dissolve, and transport arsenic-bearing salts into the pit lake.Arsenic concentration, speciation, and distribution in the Sierra Nevada foothills depend on many factors, including the lithologic sources of arsenic, climatic influences on weathering of host minerals, and geochemical characteristics of waters with which source and secondary minerals react. Oxidation of arsenian pyrite to goethite, jarosite, and copiapite causes temporary attenuation of arsenic during summer; when these secondary minerals accumulate; subsequent rapid dissemination of arsenic into the aqueous environment is caused by annual winter storms. As the population of the Mother Lode area grows, it is increasingly important to consider these effects during planning and development of land and groundwater resources.
机译:内华达山脉山麓的金矿开采活动以及最近和加利福尼亚淘金热期间都使富含砷的黄铁矿岩石遭受风化和侵蚀。这项研究描述了南部母亲洛德金矿区三个水文地质环境中的砷浓度和形态:矿化的露头和矿山的废石(覆盖层):浸没在水库中的磨尾;和这个单口水库中以及最近露天矿中发展的单口湖中的湖水。这些环境的特征在于岩水相互作用的不同模式,这些模式会影响砷的局部运移和命运。露头和rock石中的砷存在于平均含砷量为2 wt%的砷黄铁矿中。砷在黄铁矿(针铁矿,黄铁矿,锂辉石)的细粒,易碎,富含铁的耐候性产品中的浓度高达1300 ppm。当风化露头时会生锈。砷在针铁矿上被吸附成双齿复合物。在黄钾铁矾中替代硫酸盐。唐佩德罗水库重力岩心获得的沉浸式工厂尾矿在粗砂层中的砷含量高达300 ppm。 。上层表层泥中的固体砷含量较低,但孔隙水中的砷含量最高(达500#mu#g / L),比沙子要高;与矿石加工有关的石英细尾矿也含有高达3.5 ppm的汞。沉积物孔隙水的含量范围从含石膏的沙子和尾矿中的3.7到上覆的湖泊沉积物中的7,紧靠岩心上方的储层水中的砷含量高达3.5#μg/ L;远离淹没式尾矿的湖水中的砷含量通常较低。砷的含量低于1#μg/ L。哈佛露天矿的开挖过程中的脱水产生了水文低压锥,自m以来一直朝着开采前的地下水形态恢复结束于1994年。深80 m的坑湖中的砷浓度高达1000#mu#g / L。夏季分层过程中会发生砷的重新分布,其中中等深度的砷含量最高。坑湖中砷的总质量增加与冬初雨水侵蚀,部分溶解并将含砷盐运入坑湖相吻合。内华达山脉山麓中的砷浓度,形态和分布取决于许多因素,包括砷的岩性来源,气候对宿主矿物风化的影响以及与来源和次要矿物发生反应的水的地球化学特征。夏季,砷黄铁矿被氧化为针铁矿,黄铁矿和铜辉石,会导致砷的暂时衰减。这些次要矿物质何时积累;随后,每年的冬季暴风雨导致砷快速扩散到水环境中。随着母亲洛德地区人口的增长,在规划和开发土地和地下水资源时考虑这些影响变得越来越重要。



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