首页> 外文期刊>International journal of applied psychoanalytic studies >In Pursuit of the Muse: Lessons Learned from Martial Arts Zen Brushings and Psychoanalysis'

In Pursuit of the Muse: Lessons Learned from Martial Arts Zen Brushings and Psychoanalysis'


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The integration of psychoanalytic work with a lifelong practice of martial arts,Zen, and since 1990, Black-Ink Brush Paintings, has been much more than a hobby it is an avocation, for me. I want to start for the sake of self honesty with some disclaimers. I neither understand the Japanese or Chinese languages, nor am I a traditional, formally trained sumi-e brush painter. What I am going to write about and illustrate visually evolves primarily as part of martial arts training and my own particular approach to the Zen-ness of it. The understanding of the Kanji, i.e. the ancient ideogram structures, of the Japanese and Chinese language, makes it easier, if interpreted within the broad license given to socalled grass calligraphy in Chinese, which allows interpreting a letter as if it is a picture. It is possible especially if in a meditative state, to understand some of the Kanji without knowing anything formal about Chinese or Japanese. It is said in Zen that the energy of the lettering, if executed correctly (Zenga) will go directly into your mind without the intellect getting in the way with trivial riddles, and the meaning will emerge instead as an inspired thought-impulse (nen thought). For example, what does this mean? (see Figure 1).
机译:对我来说,将心理分析工作与一生的武术实践相结合,禅宗,自1990年以来,《黑毛笔画》就不仅仅是一种业余爱好。为了自诚实起见,我想先声明一些免责声明。我既不懂日语也不懂中文,我也不是传统的,经过正式培训的晕染笔刷画家。我将要在视觉上写和说明的内容主要是作为武术训练的一部分以及我对禅宗的独特理解而演变的。如果理解为日文和中文的汉字即古代表意文字结构,则可以更容易地理解汉字,如果在所谓的草书中获得了广泛的中文许可,则可以将字母解释为图片。尤其是在冥想状态下,有可能在不了解中文或日文形式的情况下理解某些汉字。禅宗说,刻字的能量,如果执行得当(Zenga),将直接进入您的脑海,而不会因琐碎的谜语而妨碍您的理解,而其含义将反而成为一种受启发的思想冲动(nen )。例如,这是什么意思? (请参见图1)。



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