首页> 外文期刊>International Geology Review >Mesozoic large magmatic events and mineralization in SE China: oblique subduction of the Pacific plate

Mesozoic large magmatic events and mineralization in SE China: oblique subduction of the Pacific plate


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SE China is well known for its Mesozoic large-scale granitoid plutons and ore deposits. In SE China, igneous rocks with intrusion ages between 180 and 125 Ma generally become progressively younger towards the NE. More specifically, 180–160 Ma igneous rocks are distributed throughout a broad area, with mineralization ranging from Cu–Au and Pb–Zn–Ag toW–Sn; 160–150 Ma plutons are present mainly in the Nanling region and are associated with the large-scale W–Sn mineralization; younger igneous rocks occur in the NE area that has many fewer deposits. These can be plausibly interpreted as reflecting a southwestward subduction followed by a northeastward rollback of a subducted oceanic slab, in rough agreement with contemporaneous drift of the Pacific plate. Consistent with this scenario, SE China contains three Jurassic metallogenic belts distributed systematically from NE to SW: (1) a Cu–(Au) metallogenic belt in the NE corner of the South China Block, represented by the Dexing porphyry Cu deposits; (2) a Pb–Zn–Ag metallogenic belt in the middle, represented by the Lengshuikeng Ag and Shuikoushan Pb–Zn deposits; and (3) the famous Nanling W–Sn metallogenic belt in the SW. The distribution of these metallogenic belts is analogous to those in South America where Fe deposits are distributed close to the subduction zone, followed by porphyry Cu–Au deposits and Pb–Zn–Ag deposits in a medial zone, and Sn–W deposits distant from the trench. Inasmuch as quite a few late Mesozoic Fe deposits occur in the Lower Yangtze River Belt to the NE of the Cu–Au deposits in SE China, the distribution of late Mesozoic deposit belts in SE China is identical to that in South America. Therefore, southwestward subduction of the Pacific plate and the corresponding slab rollback are proposed here to explain the distributions of the late Mesozoic (180–125 Ma) magmatism and the associated metallogenic belts in SE China.
机译:东南中国以中生代大型花岗岩类岩体和矿床而闻名。在中国东南部,侵入年龄在180-125 Ma之间的火成岩通常朝东北方向逐渐变年轻。更具体地说,180-160 Ma火成岩分布在广泛的区域,矿化范围从Cu-Au和Pb-Zn-Ag到W-Sn。 160–150 Ma Ma岩体主要存在于南岭地区,并且与大规模的W-Sn矿化有关。较年轻的火成岩发生在东北地区,其沉积物少得多。可以将这些解释为反映了俯冲的西南板块向西南俯冲,然后向东北回滚,这与太平洋板块的同时漂移大致吻合。与这种情况一致,中国东南部包含三个从东北向西南系统分布的侏罗纪成矿带:(1)华南地块东北角的一个铜–金成矿带,以德兴斑岩铜矿床为代表; (2)中部有铅锌银成矿带,以冷水坑银矿和水口山铅锌矿床为代表; (3)西南部著名的南岭钨锡成矿带。这些成矿带的分布类似于南美,其中铁矿床分布在俯冲带附近,其次是斑岩型铜金矿床和铅锌锌银矿床,位于中部带,而锡钨矿床则远离trench沟。在中国东南部,由于长江中下游至铜-金矿床的东北部有许多中生代铁矿床,中国东南部的中生代矿床带的分布与南美相同。因此,这里提出了太平洋板块的西南俯冲和相应的板块回滚,以解释中国东南部晚中生代(180-125Ma)岩浆作用和相关的成矿带的分布。



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