首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Computational Analysis of Dual Pressure Non-reheat Combined-Cycle Power Plant with Change in Drum Pressures

Computational Analysis of Dual Pressure Non-reheat Combined-Cycle Power Plant with Change in Drum Pressures


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Change in drum pressures of the dual pressure non-reheat combined cycle power plant not only influence the availability of heat in various sections of the boiler, but also the net enthalpy drop across the turbines and changes the recoverable work from each kilogram of steam flowing through it. In general it is seen that for fixed values of other pressures, there does exist an optimum HP-drum pressure at which the cycle efficiency is maximum. The pinch point and approach point influence the cycle efficiency monotonously means lower these temperature differences, higher the overall efficiency. Combined cycle efficiency is more affected by change in gas turbine cycle parameters than steam cycle parameters. In the present study mathematical modeling of the dual pressure non-reheat combined cycle power plant is done and set of equations are solved using EES.



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