首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Landslides Mitigation Using Various Techniques

Landslides Mitigation Using Various Techniques


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The paper discusses about the landslides and different types of landslides with its causes & factors. The various techniques which have been used to stop such slides are discussed, along with the bio-engineering part i.e. how landslides can be prevented using bio engineering. Some aspects of other techniques used are also covered. Landslides are a typical highlight in the mountain environment; these are quickened either because of common elements, for example, lithology, structure, slants, hydrological administration or anthropogenic components, for example, deforestation, street development, mining, hydroelectric venture, urbanization, & so on. Other than the irritating common fabric of biological system of the territory, these landslides are additionally known to bring about enormous harm to general society & their property. Once these landslides happen, monstrous measures of flotsam & jetsam containing soil, little & enormous rocks get produced & saved. In the event that fitting measures for insurance of these free materials are not taken, a consistent trepidation of harm to the biological system & additionally to open property remains. The present paper also brought out about the significance of bio-engineering measures & species utilized as a part of mitigating landslide problem.



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