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Biological activity during composting of sewage sludge at low temperatures.


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The feasibility of aerobic composting of sewage sludge under cold climate conditions in the European Alpine winter season was studied using a 40:60 (v/v) mixture of sewage sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant and shrub clippings. Despite ambient air temperatures that ranged from a maximum of 10.1 to -0.2 degrees C to a minimum of 2.2 to -3.6 degrees C, the temperature increased to 66 degrees C in the core of the pile. One compost pile was turned at a higher frequency (twice a week) than a second pile. This resulted not only in a loss of heat, but also in statistically significant greater desiccation (p<0.001) of the composting material than in the second pile. This in turn had a significantly negative impact on microbial processes, as shown by poor decrease in the C/N ratio, reduced enzyme activities, respiration and biomass, and a high level of stress response (qCO2) and toxicity (inhibition of fresh mass production of Lepidium sativum). The significant negative correlation between the dry mass content of the compost material and several biological parameters demonstrated the sensitivity of microbial activity towards desiccation. The study indicates that low moisture content is a more limiting factor for composting than low temperature..
机译:在欧洲高山冬季寒冷的气候条件下,对污泥进行好氧堆肥的可行性,使用了市政废水处理厂的污水污泥和灌木剪枝的40:60(v / v)混合物进行了研究。尽管周围的空气温度范围从最高10.1到-0.2摄氏度到最低2.2到-3.6摄氏度,但堆芯的温度却上升到66摄氏度。一堆堆肥比第二堆堆的翻转频率更高(一周两次)。与第二堆相比,这不仅导致了热量的损失,而且还导致了堆肥材料的统计学上更大的干燥度(p <0.001)。反过来,这对微生物过程产生了显着的负面影响,如C / N比降低不佳,酶活性,呼吸和生物量降低,应激反应(qCO2)和毒性高(抑制新鲜大量生产)番茄)。堆肥材料的干质量含量与几个生物学参数之间显着的负相关性表明了微生物活性对干燥的敏感性。研究表明,与低温相比,低水分含量是堆肥的限制因素。



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