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Do the unique properties of nanometals affect leachability or efficacy against fungi and termites?


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Nanotechnology has the potential to affect the field of wood preservation through the creation of new and unique metal biocides with improved properties. This study evaluated leachability and efficacy of southern yellow pine wood treated with copper, zinc, or boron nanoparticles against mould fungi, decay fungi, and Eastern subterranean termites. Results showed that nanocopper with and without surfactant, nanozinc, and nanozinc plus silver with surfactant resisted leaching compared with metal oxide controls. Nearly all nanoboron and boric acid was released from the treated wood specimens during leaching. Mould fungi were moderately inhibited by nanozinc oxide with surfactant, but the other nanometal preparations did not significantly inhibit mould fungi. Mass loss from Gloeophyllum trabeum was significantly inhibited by all copper preparations, while Antrodia sp. was not inhibited by nanometal treatments. Nanometals imparted high resistance in southern yellow pine to the white-rot fungus, Trametes versicolor. Unleached specimens treated with nanoboron or nanozinc plus surfactant caused 100% and 31% mortality, respectively. All specimens treated with nanozinc or nanozinc plus silver inhibited termite feeding, but the copper treatments were less effective against termites. Nanozinc possessed the most favorable properties: leach resistance, termite mortality, and inhibition of termite feeding and decay by the white-rot fungus
机译:纳米技术有可能通过创造性能独特的新型独特金属杀生物剂来影响木材保护领域。这项研究评估了用铜,锌或硼纳米粒子处理过的南部黄松木材对霉菌,腐烂真菌和东部地下白蚁的浸出性和功效。结果表明,与金属氧化物对照相比,具有和不具有表面活性剂的纳米铜,纳米锌以及具有表面活性剂的纳米锌加银均具有抗浸出性。在浸出过程中,几乎所有的纳米硼和硼酸都从处理过的木材样品中释放出来。霉菌被表面活性剂纳米氧化锌适度抑制,但其他纳米金属制品并未显着抑制霉菌。所有铜制剂均显着抑制了Gloeophyllum trabeum造成的质量损失,而Antrodia sp。不受纳米金属处理的抑制。纳米金属在南部的黄松树中赋予了白腐真菌Trametes versicolor很高的抵抗力。用纳米硼或纳米锌加表面活性剂处理的未浸出样品分别导致100%和31%的死亡率。用纳米锌或纳米锌加银处理的所有标本均能抑制白蚁的进食,但铜处理对白蚁的效果较差。纳米锌具有最有利的性能:耐浸提性,白蚁死亡率高,并且抑制白腐真菌对白蚁的摄食和腐烂



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