首页> 外文期刊>British journal of nursing: BJN >Pain management in Jordan: Nursing students' knowledge and attitude

Pain management in Jordan: Nursing students' knowledge and attitude


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Pain management requires knowledgeable and trained nurses. Because nursing students are the nurses of the future, it is important to ensure that students receive adequate education about pain management in nursing schools. The purpose of this study is to evaluate nursing students' knowledge and attitudes regarding pain management. A cross-sectional survey was used. The sample comprised 144 students from three nursing colleges in Jordan. Sixty-one percent were female and the average age was 21.6 years (SD 1.7). The students' Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain was used. The rate of correct answers ranged from 11.1% to 64%. Students showed a low level of knowledge regarding pain management - the average score was just 16 (SD 5.11) out of 40. Students were weak in their knowledge of pain medications pharmacology (actions and side effects). Less than half of students (47.9%) recognised that pain may be present, even when vital signs are normal and facial expressions relaxed. Finally, students showed negative attitudes towards pain management, believing that patients should tolerate pain as much as they can before receiving opioids; almost half (48%) of students agreed that patients' pain could be managed with placebo rather than medication. In conclusion, Jordanian nursing students showed lower levels of pain knowledge compared with other nursing students around the world. This study underlines the need to include pain-management courses throughout undergraduate nursing curricula in Jordan.
机译:疼痛管理需要知识渊博且训练有素的护士。因为护理学生是未来的护士,所以重要的是要确保学生在护理学校接受有关疼痛管理的适当教育。本研究的目的是评估护理学生对疼痛管理的知识和态度。使用横断面调查。样本包括约旦三所护理学院的144名学生。百分之六十一为女性,平均年龄为21.6岁(SD 1.7)。使用了学生关于疼痛的知识和态度调查。正确答案的比率在11.1%到64%之间。学生对疼痛管理的知识了解程度很低,平均得分仅为16(标准差5.11),满分40。学生对疼痛药物的药理学(作用和副作用)的了解较弱。不到一半的学生(47.9%)意识到,即使生命体征正常且面部表情放松,也可能会出现疼痛。最后,学生对疼痛的治疗表现出消极态度,认为患者在接受阿片类药物之前应尽可能地忍受疼痛。几乎一半(48%)的学生同意可以使用安慰剂而不是药物来控制患者的疼痛。总之,与世界各地的其他护理专业学生相比,约旦的护理专业学生的疼痛知识水平较低。这项研究强调,有必要在约旦的整个护理学课程中纳入疼痛管理课程。



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