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A parallel routing algorithm on circulant networks employing the Hamiltonian circuit latin square


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Double-loop [J. Bermond, F. Comellas, D. Hsu, Distributed Loop Computer Networks: A Survey, J. Parallel and Distributed Computing, Academic Press, 24 (1995) 2-10] and 2-circulant networks (2-CN) [J. Park, Cycle Embedding of Faulty Recursive Circulants, J. of Korea Info. Sci. Soc. 31 (2) (2004) 86-94] are widely used in the design and implementation of local area networks and parallel processing architectures. In this paper, we investigate the routing of a message on circulant networks, that is a key to the performance of this network. We would like to transmit 2k packets from a source node to a destination node simultaneously along paths on G(n; +/-s(1), +/-s(2),..., +/-s(k)), where the ith packet traverses along the ith path (1 <= i <= 2k). In order for all packets to arrive at the destination node quickly and securely, the ith path must be node-disjoint from all other paths. For construction of these paths, employing the Hamiltonian circuit latin square (HCLS), a special class of (n x n) matrices, we present O(n(2)) parallel routing algorithm on circulant networks. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:双环[J. Bermond,F。Comellas,D。Hsu,《分布式环路计算机网络:调查》,J。并行和分布式计算,学术出版社,24(1995)2-10]和2循环网络(2-CN)[J. Park,故障递归循环数的循环嵌入,韩国信息科学Soc。 31(2)(2004)86-94]被广泛用于局域网和并行处理体系结构的设计和实现中。在本文中,我们研究了循环网络上消息的路由,这是该网络性能的关键。我们想沿着G(n; +/- s(1),+/- s(2),...,+/- s(k)上的路径同时从源节点向目标节点传输2k数据包),第ith个封包沿着第ith条路径(1 <= i <= 2k)穿过。为了使所有数据包快速安全地到达目标节点,第i条路径必须与所有其他路径的节点不相交。对于这些路径的构造,采用汉密尔顿电路拉丁平方(HCLS)(一类特殊的(n x n)个矩阵),我们在循环网络上提出O(n(2))并行路由算法。 (C)2006 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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