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Forward-Scattering Enhancement of Comet Brightness. I. Background and Model


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At small scattering angles, θ (= 180° - phase angle), micron-size particles forward-scatter sunlight hundreds to thousands of times more strongly than at side angles, enabling comets to become visible in daylight and even cast shadows at night. In this paper, we comprehensively review forward scattering as it relates to comet dust. We introduce a "compound Henyey-Greenstein (HG)" function, modified by the coma's dust-to-gas light ratio, to model scattering in cometary light curves - the first time this function has ever been applied to comets. To date, only five comets have actually been measured photometrically in forward-scattering geometry. Three of them - C/1927 XI (Skjellerup-Maristany), C/1975 VI (West), and C/1980 Yl (Bradfield) - were assayed by the "gold standard" method of visible-thermal photometry to obtain the coma's energy balance and the scattering (or "phase") function. That of C/1927 XI, reduced from Lampland's unpublished daylight radiometry in Lowell Observatory archives, is presented here in provisional form for the first time. Scattering curves for the other two comets - 96P/Machholz and C/2004 F4 (Bradfield) - are derived from non-thermal SOHO-satellite C3-coronograph photometry (Grynko 2005). Compared to brightness at 6 = 90°, the composite light curve shows enhancements of approximately 10-fold at 9 = 30° and approximately 100-fold by 9 = 13°5, the smallest angle at which a comet scattering function has yet been derived. The compound-HG scattering model developed here successfully fits the composite scattering function of these five comets for 9 < 150°. We show that it also successfully fits scattering data for comets in back-scattering geometry (150°≤ θ ≤< 180°), justifying its use for all scattering angles. In application, it correctly predicted the 9-fold brightness surge and naked-eye daylight visibility of comet C/2006 PI (McNaught) in forward-scattering geometry. This model should prove useful for forecasting brightness enhancements of comets that enter forward-scattering geometry in the future, as well as for analyzing forward scattering in historical apparitions - the subject of subsequent papers in this series.
机译:在小的散射角θ(= 180°-相角)下,微米大小的粒子将太阳光向前散射的强度比在侧面角时强数百倍至数千倍,从而使彗星在白天变得可见,甚至在晚上投射阴影。在本文中,我们全面回顾了与彗星尘埃有关的前向散射。我们引入了“复合亨尼-格林斯坦(HG)​​”函数,该函数已被昏迷的尘/气光比修改,以模拟彗星光曲线中的散射-首次将此功能应用于彗星。迄今为止,实际上只有5颗彗星以前向散射几何结构进行了光度测量。其中的三个-C / 1927 XI(Skjellerup-Maristany),C / 1975 VI(西)和C / 1980 Yl(Bradfield)-通过可见光光度法的“金标准”方法进行了测定,以获得昏迷的能量平衡和散射(或“相位”)功能。这是从Loland天文台档案中的Lampland未发表的日光辐射法中减去的C / 1927 XI的值,这是第一次在此处临时显示。其他两个彗星-96P / Machholz和C / 2004 F4(布拉德菲尔德)的散射曲线是从非热SOHO卫星C3冠冕仪测光法得出的(Grynko 2005)。与6 = 90°时的亮度相比,复合光曲线显示9 = 30°时增强了约10倍,而9 = 13°5时则增强了约100倍,这是获得彗星散射函数的最小角度。此处开发的化合物-HG散射模型成功地拟合了这五个彗星在9 <150°时的复合散射函数。我们证明,它还成功地拟合了后向散射几何形状(150°≤θ≤<180°)中彗星的散射数据,证明了其在所有散射角上的使用都是正确的。在应用中,它正确地预测了C / 2006 PI(McNaught)彗星在前向散射几何中的9倍亮度激增和肉眼可见度。该模型对于预测将来进入前向散射几何体的彗星的亮度增强,以及分析历史上的前向散射(本系列后续论文的主题)应该是有用的。



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