首页> 外文期刊>International Food and Agribusiness Management Review >Conceptual Links between Two Mad Cow Crises: The Absence of Paradigmatic Change and Policymaking Implications

Conceptual Links between Two Mad Cow Crises: The Absence of Paradigmatic Change and Policymaking Implications


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On March 20, 1996, a day known as Black Wednesday to the British beef industry,the British Secretary of State of Health announced that a possible link existedbetween BSE and the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the human variant of madcow. Seven years later, a somewhat comparable fate struck the Canadian beefindustry. In May 2003, the discovery of the first native North American case of BSEin Canada deflated the prospects of the industry across the country, consequentlycreating environmental uncertainty. This paper conceptually analyses the eventsthat occurred in Britain by considering the beef industry as a political economy. Theauthors find that socio-political structures, driven by power and dependencyrelations, socio-political processes, and driven by cooperation and conflicts within amarketing channel greatly influenced channel members’ behaviors during thiscrisis. In addition, even though some changes were made, the authors believe that,based on the conceptual analysis of the first year following this critical event,Canadian beef industry leaders and government alike did not learn sufficientlyfrom the unfortunate events that occurred in Britain in 1996, even if somestakeholders believed that they had.
机译:1996年3月20日,即英国牛肉行业的黑色星期三,英国国务卿宣布,疯牛病与疯牛病的人类变种克雅氏病(vCJD)之间可能存在联系。七年后,加拿大牛肉产业遭受了某种程度可比的命运。 2003年5月,加拿大在加拿大发现了首例北美BSE疯牛病病例,使该行业的前景大打折扣,从而造成了环境不确定性。本文通过将牛肉产业视为一种政治经济学概念性地分析了英国发生的事件。作者发现,在权力和依赖关系,社会政治过程的驱动下,以及在营销渠道内合作与冲突的驱动下,社会政治结构极大地影响了危机期间渠道成员的行为。此外,即使做出了一些更改,作者仍认为,根据对这一重大事件发生后的第一年的概念分析,加拿大牛肉行业的领导人和政府都没有从1996年在英国发生的不幸事件中充分学习,即使某些利益相关者认为他们已经这样做了。



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