
Dan Dillon, CEO of Welch Foods

机译:Welch Foods首席执行官Dan Dillon

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Welch Foods saw its purpose as building long-term value in the cooperative andreleasing that value back to the grower-owners over time and to provide a reliablemarket for their grapes through excellence in product quality, customer service,market responsiveness and consumer satisfaction. Welch’s processed 50 percent ofConcord grapes and 80 percent of Niagara grapes produced in the United Statesinto juices, jellies, jams and other products. The objective of this executiveinterview is to introduce Dan Dillon and Welch Foods and describe challenges facedby a producer-owned cooperative in the 21st century. The interview was conductedat the 2003 Farmer Cooperatives program in Kansas City.
机译:Welch Foods的目的是在合作社中建立长期价值,并随着时间的推移将价值释放给种植者,并通过卓越的产品质量,客户服务,市场响应能力和消费者满意度为其葡萄提供可靠的市场。韦尔奇将美国生产的50%的康科德葡萄和80%的尼亚加拉葡萄加工成果汁,果冻,果酱和其他产品。这次行政访谈的目的是介绍Dan Dillon和Welch Foods,并描述21世纪生产者所有的合作社所面临的挑战。采访是在堪萨斯城的2003年农民合作社计划中进行的。



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