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Parental origin of the extra chromosome in Down's syndrome




Chromosome 21 fluorescent heteromorphisms were studied in 42 patients with Down's syndrome, their parents and their siblings. Included in this number are two instances of an aunt and niece affected with trisomy 21, and one of affected siblings. One case has a de novo 21/21 translocation. Blood group, red cell and serum protein markers were also studied for linkage, gene exclusions, associations, and paternity testing. Thirty-one of the trisomy 21 cases were informative for parental origin of the extra chromosome and for stage of meiosis. The non-disjunctional event was of maternal origin in 24; 23 occurred in meiosis I, 1 in meiosis II. Seven were of paternal origin; 5 in meiosis I, and 2 in meiosis II. The translocation case was of paternal origin. A literature search revealed a total of 98 cases informative for the parent of origin of the extra chromosome, of>347 families tested. In addition, 3 de novo translocation cases, of 7 tested, were informative. The data suggest that most cases result from an error in the first meiotic division in the mother, but that a significant proportion are paternal in origin.
机译:在 42 名唐氏综合症患者、他们的父母和他们的兄弟姐妹中研究了 21 号染色体荧光异态性。这个数字包括两个受 21 三体综合征影响的阿姨和侄女,以及一个受影响的兄弟姐妹。1 例有 21/21 新发易位。还研究了血型、红细胞和血清蛋白标志物的连锁、基因排除、关联和亲子鉴定。21 例三体综合征病例中有 31 例对额外染色体的父母起源和减数分裂阶段有参考价值。24 例非分离事件起源于母体;减数分裂I.23例,减数分裂II.1例。七人是父系血统;减数分裂 I 为 5 个,减数分裂 II 为 2 个。易位病例是父系起源的。文献检索显示,在测试的 347 个家庭中,共有 98 个病例>额外染色体的起源父母。此外,在测试的 7 例中,有 3 例新发易位病例提供了信息。数据表明,大多数病例是由母亲第一次减数分裂的错误引起的,但很大一部分是父系起源的。




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