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Management of ruminal fistula in a cross-bred cow


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A six year old crossbred cow was referred to polyclinic with a small ruminal fistula at mid of the left 10th intercostal space and multiple fractures of 10-13 ribs. It was reported that the injury was inflicted by a bull during fighting about two months ago. The history showed that the cow was treated by local veterinarian and few pieces of fractured ribs were removed. After 15 days of treatment, animal developed ruminal fistula discharging undigested contents. Clinical examination revealed a 9" long broken piece of 13th rib placed horizontally was persistently piercing the fistulated site. It was decided to perform laparotomy to remove floating piece of 13th rib before repair of the fistula. The animal was fasted overnight prior to surgery and prepared for aseptic surgery. Sedation with triflupromazine hydrochloride @ 10mg/100 kg body weight I/M and local infiltration of 2 percent lignocain hydrochloride was carried out. A 4" long vertical incision was made at left paralumber fossa just behind 13th rib. Broken piece of rib was removed after separation of adhesions by blunt dissection. Laparotomy incision was closed in routine manner.
机译:将一头六岁的杂种母牛转入多诊所,在左侧第10肋间隙的中部有一个小的瘤胃瘘,并有10-13根肋骨的多处骨折。据报道,大约两个月前,一头公牛在战斗中受伤。历史表明,母牛是由当地兽医治疗的,肋骨骨折很少。治疗15天后,动物发育出瘤胃瘘,排出未消化的内容物。临床检查显示,水平放置的9英寸长的第13根肋骨断断续续地刺穿了瘘管部位。决定在进行瘘管修补之前进行剖腹术以去除漂浮的第13根肋骨。动物在手术前禁食过夜并准备好对于无菌手术,使用盐酸三氟丙嗪@ 10mg / 100 kg体重I / M进行镇静,并局部浸润2%的木质素钙盐酸盐。在第13肋骨后方的左舷侧滑石窝切成4“长的垂直切口。通过钝性剥离分离粘连后,去除肋骨断裂。以常规方式关闭剖腹手术切口。



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