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Control of dominance aggression in dogs by behavioral treatment


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Dominance or dominance related aggression is one of the most common forms of canine aggression. It is manifested by consistent atypical, out of context aggressive behavior directed towards people and towards other dogs. The behavior includes staring, spontaneous growling, mounting of legs, guarding of food and sleepling areas, demanding behavior, resisting submissive postures or situations and other signs. Several authors have reported the control of dominance aggression in dogs by beharioral treatment with varying success (Voith and Borchet, 1982, Crowell-Devis, 1991, Beaver, 1993, Overall, 1993, 1999a, 1999b, Uchida et al., 1997, Cameron, 1997). A total of 10 dogs of different age, breed and either sex with history and signs of various forms ofdominance aggression were selected after ruling out the chances of situational behavioral changes. Amongst them, 3 dogs were diagnosed for demanding behavior, 2 for guarding food, 3 for spontaneous growling and 2 for resisting submissive posture. The respective dog owners have been educated by various behavior modification methods and advised to follow without failure. Some of the behavior modification methods include avoidance of all circumstances known to provoke an affected dog, avoiding confrontation with an aggressive dog, obedience training, decreasing punishment, passive behavior modification to encourage dogs to defer to their owners and active behavior modification in the form of desensitization and counter conditioning. All the dogs were, observed bi-weekly to record the changes, if any, in the behavior, to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. The improvement in the behavior of the dogs is categorized as slight, moderate, good and complete.
机译:霸权或与霸权相关的侵略是犬侵略的最常见形式之一。它表现为始终如一的非典型,针对环境的针对人和其他狗的攻击行为。行为包括凝视,自发地咆哮,腿部固定,保护食物和睡眠区域,要求苛刻的行为,抵抗顺从的姿势或情况和其他迹象。几位作者报道了通过行为治疗控制狗的主导性攻击取得了不同程度的成功(Voith and Borchet,1982,Crowell-Devis,1991,Beaver,1993,Total,1993,1999a,1999b,Uchida等,1997,Cameron (1997年)。在排除了情况行为改变的可能性之后,总共选择了10只不同年龄,品种和性别的犬,这些犬具有历史和各种形式的侵略性迹象。其中,有3只狗被诊断为苛刻的行为,其中2只用于保护食物,3只用于自发的咆哮,2只抵抗顺从的姿势。各自的狗主人已经通过各种行为改变方法进行了教育,并建议其遵循而不会失败。某些行为矫正方法包括避免已知会招致患病狗的所有情况,避免与激进的狗对峙,服从训练,减少惩罚,鼓励狗屈从其主人的被动行为矫正和以脱敏和反调节。每两周观察所有的狗,以记录行为的变化(如果有的话),以评估治疗的有效性。狗的行为改善分为轻微,中度,良好和完全。



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