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Report on rare birdsin Great Britain in 2012




This is the 55th annual report of the British Birds Rarities Committee. In general, the crop of rarities in 2012 fell below the level of the exceptional year of 2011. There was no repeat of the extraordinary influx of Pallid Harriers Circus macrourusin the autumn, although the three spring records and one autumn adult would have been an impressive haul in most years. In a similar vein, three Red-flanked Bluetails Tarsiger cyanurus would have been a record year before 1998, but this now seems a poorshowing, in fact the worst since 2005. A generally poor autumn for eastern vagrants on the English east coast also saw numbers of Hume's Warblers Phylloscopus humei return to more typical levels after the glut in 2011, although eastern Locustella warblers put in a good showing, including no fewer than three British mainland Pallas's Grasshopper Warblers L. certhiola (and one Lanceolated Warbler L. lanceolata), species that normally require a trip to the Northern Isles. One of the main events of the autumn was an exceptional arrival of Olive-backed Pipits Anthus hodgsoni, which ensured that 2012 became the last year that the species would feature on the BBRC list. It was interesting to see the number of accounts from finders which suggested that they were intentionally searching for this species when they found it - proof that more or less instant communication of rare-bird news enables rarity hunters to target certain species when they are arriving in good numbers. Buff-bellied Pipit A. rubescens wasanother pipit that appeared in record numbers, with a double-figure total for the first time in a single year.
机译:这是英国鸟类稀有委员会第55次年度报告。总体而言,2012年的稀有农作物产量低于2011年非同寻常的水平。秋天没有重复出现Pallid Harriers Circus macrourus的非凡记录,尽管三个春季记录和一个秋季成虫会给人留下深刻的印象。在大多数年份拖运。同样,在1998年之前,三只红边蓝尾Blue Tarsiger cyanurus本来是创纪录的一年,但是现在看来表现不佳,实际上是2005年以来最糟糕的一年。英国东海岸东部流浪者的秋季总体较差,也看到了数字尽管蝗虫东部地区表现良好,其中包括不少于三只英国大陆的Pallas的蚱War莺L. certhiola(和一种柳叶刀莺L. lanceolata)物种,休ume的莺莺在2011年供过于求后又恢复到更为典型的水平。通常需要去北岛旅行。秋天的主要事件之一是橄榄支持的Pipits Anthus hodgsoni的到来,这确保了2012年成为该物种进入BBRC名单的最后一年。有趣的是,发现发现者的帐户数量表明他们发现它们时是有意寻找该物种的–证明稀有鸟新闻或多或少的即时通信使稀有猎人在抵达时能够针对某些物种。好数字。浅黄色腹皮的红皮A. rubescens是另一种皮皮,以创纪录的数量出现,一年中首次出现双位数数字。



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