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Determination of total blood volume by indicator dilution: a comparison of mean transit time and mass conservation principle.


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OBJECTIVE: Using indocyanine green (ICG), blood volume can be determined within minutes according to the mass conservation principle by back-extrapolation of the concentration/time curve to the time of injection (BVTinj) or by the transit time approach (BVMTT) as the product of cardiac output and mean transit time (MTT) of ICG through the circulation. To see which factor accounts for the difference between the two methods we measured cardiac output and MTT independently and compared the volumes with those obtained by dilution of Evans blue (BVEB). DESIGN: Prospective animal study. SETTINGS: University department of experimental anaesthesiology. ANIMALS: Six anaesthetised, spontaneously breathing dogs with chronically implanted ultrasound flow probes around the pulmonary artery. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: BVMTT and BVTinj agreed closely (48 +/- 2 ml.kg-1 and 49 +/- 2 ml.kg-1), but underestimated blood volume by about 40% compared with BVEB (75 +/- 1 ml.kg-1). Transit times measured were 33 +/- 1 s and should be about 50 s as calculated from the quotient of BVEB and cardiac output. CONCLUSIONS: Both methods underestimate blood volume by about the same extent compared with BVEB, probably because slowly perfused compartments are not detected during the short measurement period of 4 min. In the case of the transit time approach, rather short transit times result and in the case of the mass conservation principle, back-extra-polation yields rather high plasma concentrations of ICG at the time of injection. Accordingly, the two methods seem to be equivalent for measuring blood volume rapidly, although the absolute volume is underestimated by about 40%.
机译:目的:使用吲哚菁绿(ICG),可以根据质量守恒定律在几分钟内通过浓度/时间曲线的反推到注射时间(BVTinj)或通过传播时间方法(BVMTT)确定血量。心输出量与ICG通过循环的平均通过时间(MTT)的乘积。为了查看哪个因素解释了两种方法之间的差异,我们独立测量了心输出量和MTT,并将其体积与通过稀释Evans蓝(BVEB)获得的体积进行了比较。设计:前瞻性动物研究。单位:大学实验麻醉学系。动物:六只麻醉的,自发呼吸的狗,在肺动脉周围长期植入超声流量探头。测量和结果:BVMTT和BVTinj吻合得很好(48 +/- 2 ml.kg-1和49 +/- 2 ml.kg-1),但与BVEB相比,血容量低估了约40%(75 +/- 1 ml.kg-1)。从BVEB与心输出量的商计算得出,渡越时间为33 +/- 1 s,应约为50 s。结论:与BVEB相比,这两种方法均低估了血容量,可能是因为在4分钟的短时间内未检测到缓慢灌注的隔室。在采用过渡时间方法的情况下,会导致较短的过渡时间,而在质量守恒定律的情况下,反向外推法在注射时会产生较高的ICG血浆浓度。因此,尽管绝对量被低估了约40%,但这两种方法似乎等效于快速测量血液量。



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