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Angular Correlations in Detection of α-γ Coincidences in the Nanosecond Tagged Neutron Technology


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The characteristics of the setup for analyzing the elemental composition of organic substances using spectroscopy of y rays induced by tagged neutrons with an energy of ~14 MeV in an inelastic neutron scattering reaction are discussed. An ING-27 D-T neutron generator with a built-in position-sensitive a detector, fast neutron and y detectors, and a multichannel detecting system providing a subnanosecond time resolution are parts of the experimental setup. The correlation between the exit angle of a neutron and the number of the a pixel, as well as the anisotropy in emission of y rays in the inelastic neutron scattering reaction, are measured, and the errors of these measurements are estimated.
机译:讨论了在非弹性中子散射反应中,由能量约为14 MeV的带标签中子引起的y射线光谱分析有机物元素组成的装置的特性。带有内置位置敏感探测器,快速中子和y探测器的ING-27 D-T中子发生器以及提供亚纳秒时间分辨率的多通道探测系统是实验装置的一部分。测量中子的出射角与像素数之间的相关性,以及非弹性中子散射反应中y射线发射的各向异性,并估计这些测量的误差。



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