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Hardware IP Protection During Evaluation Using Embedded Sequential Trojan

机译:使用嵌入式顺序特洛伊木马进行评估期间的硬件 IP 保护

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REUSE-BASED SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SoC) design using hardware Intellectual Property (IP) cores has become a pervasive practice in the industry to realize bug-free complex SoCs under aggressive time-to-market target 1. These IP cores usually come in the form of synthesizable Register Transfer Level (RTL) descriptions (Soft IP), or gate-level designs directly implementable in hardware (Firm IP), or GDS-II design database (Hard IF). During the life-cycle of an integrated circuit (IC), these IPs are vulnerable to various security issues as shown in Figure 1(a). The cost of IP infringement in the United States was estimated to be crossing $1 billion per day in 1998 2 with a large contribution coming from hardware IPs. These IPs are highly vulnerable to piracy issues at different stages. Other security threats include reverse-engineering efforts to facilitate cloning, counterfeiting, or remarking of ICs as well as malicious alterations by untrusted third-party vendors. Existing solutions to protect IPs from piracy and reverse-engineering include passive defenses like watermarking 1 as well as active defenses like encryption (coupled with requirement to use vendor-specific tools) 9, hardware metering 7, and obfuscation 12.
机译:使用硬件知识产权 (IP) 内核的基于重用的片上系统 (SoC) 设计已成为业界普遍的做法,以在严格的上市时间目标下实现无错误的复杂 SoC [1]。这些 IP 核通常采用可综合的寄存器传输级 (RTL) 描述(软 IP)或可直接在硬件中实现的门级设计(Firm IP)或 GDS-II 设计数据库(硬 IF)的形式。在集成电路 (IC) 的生命周期中,这些 IP 容易受到各种安全问题的影响,如图 1(a) 所示。据估计,1998年美国知识产权侵权的成本每天超过10亿美元[2],其中很大一部分来自硬件IP。这些IP在不同阶段极易受到盗版问题的影响。其他安全威胁包括逆向工程,以促进IC的克隆、伪造或注释,以及不受信任的第三方供应商的恶意更改。保护 IP 免受盗版和逆向工程侵害的现有解决方案包括水印 [1] 等被动防御,以及加密(加上使用供应商特定工具的要求)[9]、硬件计量 [7] 和混淆 [12] 等主动防御。




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