首页> 外文期刊>Journal of medicinal food >Natural products from Garcinia brasiliensis as Leishmania protease inhibitors.

Natural products from Garcinia brasiliensis as Leishmania protease inhibitors.


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The infections by protozoans of the genus Leishmania are a major worldwide health problem, with high endemicity in developing countries. The drugs of choice for the treatment of leishmaniasis are the pentavalent antimonials, which cause renal and cardiac toxicity. As part of a search for new drugs against leishmaniasis, we evaluated the in vitro Leishmania protease inhibition activity of extracts (hexanic, ethyl-acetate, and ethanolic) and fukugetin, a bioflavonoid purified from the ethyl-acetate extract of the pericarp of the fruit of Garcinia brasiliensis, a tree native to Brazilian forests. The isolated compound was characterized by using spectral analyses with nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectroscopy, ultraviolet, and infrared techniques. The ethyl-acetate extract and the compound fukugetin showed significant activity as inhibitors of Leishmania's proteases, with mean (+/-SD) IC(50) (50 inhibition concentration of protease activity) values of 15.0+/-1.3 mug/mL and 3.2+/-0.5 muM/mL, respectively, characterizing a bioguided assay. In addition, this isolated compound showed no activity against promastigote and amastigote forms of L. (L.) amazonensis and mammalian cells. These results suggest that fukugetin is a potent protease inhibitor of L. (L.) amazonensis and does not cause toxicity in mammalian or Leishmania cells in vitro. This study provides new perspectives on the development of novel drugs that have leishmanicidal activity obtained from natural products and that target the parasite's proteases.
机译:利什曼原虫属原生动物的感染是一个重大的世界性健康问题,在发展中国家流行率很高。治疗利什曼病的首选药物是五价锑,可引起肾脏和心脏毒性。作为寻找利什曼病新药的一部分,我们评估了提取物(己酸、乙酸乙酯和乙醇酸)和福吉汀的体外利什曼原虫蛋白酶抑制活性,福可汀是一种从巴西森林原产的藤黄果果皮的乙酯提取物中纯化的生物类黄酮。通过核磁共振、质谱、紫外和红外技术进行光谱分析对分离的化合物进行了表征。乙酸乙酯提取物和化合物福可汀作为利什曼原虫蛋白酶抑制剂表现出显著的活性,平均 (+/-SD) IC(50)(蛋白酶活性的 50% 抑制浓度)值分别为 15.0+/-1.3 mL 和 3.2+/-0.5 μM/mL,表征生物引导测定。此外,这种分离的化合物对亚马逊乳杆菌(L.)的前鞭毛体和无鞭毛体形式以及哺乳动物细胞没有活性。这些结果表明,fukugetin是一种有效的亚马逊乳杆菌蛋白酶抑制剂,在体外不会对哺乳动物或利什曼原虫细胞造成毒性。这项研究为开发具有从天然产物中获得的利什曼原虫杀活性并靶向寄生虫蛋白酶的新型药物提供了新的视角。




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