首页> 外文期刊>Integrative physiological and behavioral science: the official journal of the Pavlovian Society >Amygdala and Periaqueductal Gray Lesions Only Partially Attenuate Unconditional Defensive Responses in Rats Exposed to a Cat

Amygdala and Periaqueductal Gray Lesions Only Partially Attenuate Unconditional Defensive Responses in Rats Exposed to a Cat


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Defensive responses to a cat were observed in rats given excitotoxic lesions of the central nucleus of the amygdala (ACe), dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG), ventral periaque-ductal gray (vPAG), or sham lesions. Rats were placed adjacent to a compartment containing a cat. Sham-lesioned rats avoided the area nearest the cat and preferred the area furthest away from the cat. They also exhibited numerous defensive responses including, climbing, escape from the apparatus, and freezing. Rats with lesions of the ACe reacted like the sham lesioned rats by preferring the area of the apparatus furthest from the cat, however they climbed and escaped significantly less than sham lesioned rats. Avoidance of the area adjacent to the cat was attenuated in rats with lesions of the vPAG. Climbing along the walls of the apparatus was also attenuated in rats with lesions of the vPAG. Escapes from the apparatus were not significantly reduced by lesions of the vPAG and dlPAG. Thus, ACe lesions attenuated climbing and eliminated escapes, but did not impair locomotion of the rat away from the cat.
机译:在大鼠出现杏仁核中枢兴奋性损害(ACe),背外侧导水管周围灰色(dlPAG),腹侧腹周导管灰色(vPAG)或假性损伤的大鼠中,观察到对猫的防御反应。将大鼠置于包含猫的隔室附近。假手术的大鼠避开了离猫最近的区域,而更喜欢离猫最远的区域。他们还表现出许多防御性反应,包括攀爬,从器械中逃脱和冰冻。患有ACe损伤的大鼠的反应类似于假手术损伤的大鼠,其偏爱距猫最远的器械区域,但它们爬升和逃脱的次数明显少于假手术损伤的大鼠。在患有vPAG损伤的大鼠中,对猫的邻近区域的避开有所减弱。在带有vPAG损伤的大鼠中,沿器械壁的爬升也减弱了。 vPAG和dlPAG的损害并未显着减少从仪器逃逸。因此,ACe病变减弱了爬升并消除了逃逸,但并未损害大鼠远离猫的运动。



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