
Government 3.0 in Korea: A country study


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Korea has put forth Government 3.0 as a national drive to improve government operations. The incumbent administration's strong pledge for public sector reform through the Government 3.0 drive envisions a transparent, competent, and service-oriented government. The drive has received as much criticism as praise, and has raised the following issues. First, is Government 3.0 in Korea truly novel? The features of Government 3.0 are similar to those of Government 2.0 in other countries, which are based on the interactive potential of Web 2.0. Second, does Government 3.0 create visible outcomes as the achievement of ultimate objectives? Even leading agencies associated with the drive are unclear or confused between regarding its ends and means. Third, does disclosing more information guarantee better results? More disclosure may impose more burdens on public employees in terms of warranting the accuracy of information released and security of information sharing settings. Last, is the drive politically neutral and does it focus on administrative goals? Government 3.0 may be temporary, given the shifts in politics.
机译:韩国提出了将政府3.0作为改善政府运作的国家动力。现任政府通过“政府3.0”驱动对公共部门改革的坚定承诺,构想出一个透明,主管和面向服务的政府。该驱动器受到了一致好评和批评,并提出了以下问题。首先,韩国的Government 3.0是否真正新颖?政府3.0的功能与其他国家/地区的政府2.0相似,它们基于Web 2.0的交互潜力。第二,政府3.0是否会在实现最终目标时创造出明显的成果?甚至与驱动器相关的领导机构也不清楚其目的和手段。第三,披露更多信息是否可以保证更好的结果?在保证发布信息的准确性和信息共享设置的安全性方面,更多的披露可能给公共雇员带来更多的负担。最后,该驱动器在政治上是否中立,是否专注于行政目标?鉴于政治的变化,政府3.0可能是临时的。



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