首页> 外文期刊>Integrative and Comparative Biology >Non-native ecosystem engineer alters estuarine communities. (Special Issue: Marine ecosystem engineers in a changing world: establishing links across systems.)

Non-native ecosystem engineer alters estuarine communities. (Special Issue: Marine ecosystem engineers in a changing world: establishing links across systems.)

机译:非本地生态系统工程师改变了河口社区。 (特刊:瞬息万变的世界中的海洋生态系统工程师:跨系统建立链接。)

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Many ecosystems are created by the presence of ecosystem engineers that play an important role in determining species' abundance and species composition. Additionally, a mosaic environment of engineered and non-engineered habitats has been shown to increase biodiversity. Non-native ecosystem engineers can be introduced into environments that do not contain or have lost species that form biogenic habitat, resulting in dramatic impacts upon native communities. Yet, little is known about how non-native ecosystem engineers interact with natives and other non-natives already present in the environment, specifically whether non-native ecosystem engineers facilitate other non-natives, and whether they increase habitat heterogeneity and alter the diversity, abundance, and distribution of benthic species. Through sampling and experimental removal of reefs, we examine the effects of a non-native reef-building tubeworm, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, on community composition in the central Californian estuary, Elkhorn Slough. Tubeworm reefs host significantly greater abundances of many non-native polychaetes and amphipods, particularly the amphipods Monocorophium insidiosum and Melita nitida, compared to nearby mudflats. Infaunal assemblages under F. enigmaticus reefs and around reef's edges show very low abundance and taxonomic diversity. Once reefs are removed, the newly exposed mudflat is colonized by opportunistic non-native species, such as M. insidiosum and the polychaete Streblospio benedicti, making removal of reefs a questionable strategy for control. These results show that provision of habitat by a non-native ecosystem engineer may be a mechanism for invasional meltdown in Elkhorn Slough, and that reefs increase spatial heterogeneity in the abundance and composition of benthic communities.
机译:生态系统工程师的存在创造了许多生态系统,这些工程师在确定物种的丰度和物种组成方面起着重要作用。此外,工程和非工程栖息地的镶嵌环境已显示出可以增加生物多样性。可以将非本地生态系统工程师引入不包含或没有丢失形成生物栖息地的物种的环境中,从而对本地社区产生巨大影响。然而,关于非本地生态系统工程师如何与环境中已经存在的本地人和其他非本地人互动的信息知之甚少,特别是非本地生态系统工程师是否会促进其他非本地人,以及它们是否会增加栖息地异质性并改变多样性,底栖物种的数量和分布。通过采样和实验性去除珊瑚礁,我们研究了非本地造礁的tube虫 Ficopomatus enigmaticus 对加利福尼亚中央河口Elkhorn Slough群落组成的影响。与附近的滩涂动物相比,块茎珊瑚礁的许多非本地多足动物和两栖动物,尤其是两栖动物 Monocorophium insidiosum 和 nitita nitida 拥有更多的丰度。 F下的臭名昭著的组合。神秘的珊瑚礁及其周围的珊瑚礁显示出非常低的丰度和生物多样性。一旦礁石被清除,新近暴露的滩涂被机会性非本地物种(例如M)定居。 insidiosum 和多栖动物 Streblospio benedicti ,使珊瑚礁的清除成为可疑的控制策略。这些结果表明,非本地生态系统工程师提供的栖息地可能是Elkhorn泥沼入侵融化的一种机制,并且礁石增加了底栖动物群落的丰富度和组成空间异质性。



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