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Sudden oak death, a new forest disease in California


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A forest disease caused by a newly described pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, is presently affecting a number of woody plant species in central and northern coastal California and southern Oregon, U.S.A. Among the most severely affected tree speciesare coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia, and tanoak, Lithocarpus densiflorus. In March 2000, we established plots in Marin County, CA, to assess symptom progression and the association of other organisms with diseased trees. Symptomatic trees exhibit 'bleeding' of viscous sap from apparently intact bark, typically within approximately 2 m of the soil. At least three species of bark and ambrosia beetles colonize bleeding oaks. These beetles colonized every bleeding tree that died during the first year of the study (N = 23) while the foliage was still green. By March 2001, numbers of symptomatic and dead trees increased for both coast live oak and tanoak. Symptomatic coast live oaks totaled 26 percent in March 2000 and 27 percent in March 2001. During thesame period, mortality increased from 6 percent to 10 percent. For tanoaks, 41 percent were symptomatic in 2000, rising to 49 percent in 2001. Mortality was 11 percent in 2000 and 13 percent in 2001. The values for coast live oak are broadly consistent with independently acquired infection and mortality estimates derived from an unbiased transect method.
机译:由新近描述的病原体疫霉疫霉引起的森林病目前正在影响加利福尼亚州中部和北部沿海地区以及美国俄勒冈南部的许多木本植物物种。在受影响最严重的树种中,有沿海橡树,非洲栎和栎树。石竹。 2000年3月,我们在加利福尼亚州马林县建立了小块土地,以评估症状的进展以及其他生物与患病树木的关联。有症状的树木通常在距土壤约2 m的范围内,从看来完好无损的树皮中渗出粘性树液。至少三种树皮和失落的甲虫在流血的橡树上定居。这些甲虫定居在研究的第一年(N = 23)期间死亡的每棵流血树上,而叶子仍然是绿色的。到2001年3月,沿海活橡树和tanoak的有症状和死树的数量都增加了。有症状的沿海活动橡树在2000年3月占26%,在2001年3月占27%。在同一时期,死亡率从6%增加到10%。对于塔诺克鱼,有症状的症状在2000年增加至2001年的49%。死亡率在2000年为11%,在2001年为13%。沿海橡树的价格与独立获得的感染和大致无偏断面的死亡率估计相符。方法。



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