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White Paper Discusses Need for Streamlining Book Metadata Workflow


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NISO and OCLC have jointly published a white paper on Streamlining Book Metadata Workflow by Judy Luther (Informed Strategies) that analyzes the current state of metadata creation, exchange, and use throughout the book supply chain. With the number of book formats multiplying and the amount of digital content growing rapidly, the metadata required to support the discovery, sale, and use of content by a global audience is increasing exponentially. At the same time, economic pressures on all stakeholders in the supply chain from publishers, wholesalers, booksellers, metadata vendors, and librarians present greater challenges to providing quality and comprehensive metadata at every point in the cycle. Through interviews with over 30 industry representatives, Luther has created a book metadata exchange map illustrating the process and has identified opportunities for eliminating redundancies and making the entire process more efficient.
机译:NISO和OCLC由Judy Luther(知情策略)联合发布了有关精简书籍元数据工作流程的白皮书,该白皮书分析了整个书籍供应链中元数据创建,交换和使用的当前状态。随着书籍格式数量的增加和数字内容的数量快速增长,支持全球读者发现,销售和使用内容所需的元数据正呈指数增长。同时,出版商,批发商,书商,元数据供应商和图书馆员对供应链中所有利益相关者的经济压力对在周期的每个点提供高质量和全面的元数据提出了更大的挑战。通过与30多个行业代表的访谈,路德(Luther)创建了说明该过程的书籍元数据交换图,并确定了消除冗余并提高整个过程效率的机会。



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