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Risk or consequences?


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New classifying methods may offer options in U.S. Say you are classifying your chemical plant as a hazardous location. According to the existing zone method of classification, once you classify your plant as Zone 0 (the most hazardous according to the zone concept), you must use intrinsically safe equipment (equipment ia)—no matter the potential consequences of an explosion. This would be true if you had the same chemical process in the city of Raleigh, N.C., and in the middle of the California desert. However, this wouldn't be the case under a newly proposed method the IEC TC31 standards committee is considering. With the proposed method, if you had the same process in Raleigh and California, and they were Zone 0 in both cases, you might have future options in classifying your plant—based not only on explosion likelihood and ignition source, but on the consequences of that explosion. The proposed approach is a decoupling of the prescribed type of protection for equipment from the area classification zone, said Paris Stavrianidis, vice president and general manager at FM Approvals in Norwood, Mass. "Existing standards look at classifying an area in terms of zones," he said. "The end user then installs the type of equipment prescribed for use in a specific zone. If you're an end user and you follow the standards, you come up with Zone 0, and the standard says you must use [intrinsically safe] ia equipment. That's a prescriptive approach," he said. Under the current system, you would consider two components. The first is the likelihood of an explosive atmosphere—the zone. The higher the likelihood, the lower the zone number. "Zone 0 is the most likely to have a release," Stavrianidis said. The second component to consider is the likelihood of an ignition—the ignition source—present from equipment. "In the existing standards—using the prescriptive approach, if you have Zone 0, you must use equipment that has the least likelihood of creating an ignition source," he said.
机译:美国可能会提供新的分类方法,例如,您将化工厂分类为危险场所。根据现有的区域分类方法,一旦将工厂分类为0区(根据区域概念最危险),则无论爆炸的潜在后果如何,都必须使用本质安全的设备(设备ia)。如果您在北卡罗来纳州罗利市和加利福尼亚州中部拥有相同的化学过程,那将是正确的。但是,在IEC TC31标准委员会正在考虑的新提议方法下,情况并非如此。使用建议的方法,如果您在罗利和加利福尼亚州使用相同的过程,并且在两种情况下都属于0区,则可能有未来的选择来对工厂进行分类,不仅基于爆炸可能性和着火源,还基于那爆炸。马萨诸塞州诺伍德市FM Approvals的副总裁兼总经理Paris Stavrianidis说,提议的方法是将设备的保护类型与区域分类区域脱钩。现有标准着眼于根据区域对区域进行分类, “ 他说。 “最终用户然后安装规定在特定区域中使用的设备类型。如果您是最终用户,并且遵循标准,则会得出0区,并且标准说您必须使用[本质安全] ia设备。这是一种规定性的方法,”他说。在当前系统下,您将考虑两个组成部分。首先是爆炸性气体的可能性-区域。可能性越高,区域编号越低。 Stavrianidis说:“ Zone 0最有可能发布。”要考虑的第二个要素是设备可能存在着火的可能性,即火源。他说:“在现有标准中,如果采用0区标准,则使用规定性方法,必须使用产生点火源的可能性最小的设备。”



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