首页> 外文期刊>Influenza and other respiratory viruses. >Population-based surveillance for 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus in Guatemala, 2009.

Population-based surveillance for 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus in Guatemala, 2009.


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BACKGROUND: In April 2009, 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 (2009 H1N1) was first identified in Mexico but did not cause widespread transmission in neighboring Guatemala until several weeks later. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Using a population-based surveillance system for hospitalized pneumonia and influenza-like illness ongoing before the 2009 H1N1 pandemic began, we tracked the onset of 2009 H1N1 infection in Guatemala. We identified 239 individuals infected with influenza A (2009 H1N1) between May and December 2009, of whom 76 were hospitalized with pneumonia and 11 died (case fatality proportion: 4.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.3-8.1%). The median age of patients infected with 2009 H1N1 was 8.8 years, the median age of those hospitalized with pneumonia was 4.2 years, and five (45.5%) deaths occurred in children <5 years old. Crude rates of hospitalization between May and December 2009 were highest for children <5 years old. Twenty-one (27.6%) of the patients hospitalized with 2009 H1N1 were admitted to the intensive care unit and eight (10.5%) required mechanical ventilation. Underlying chronic conditions were noted in 14 (18.4%) of patients with pneumonia hospitalized with 2009 H1N1 infection. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Chronic illnesses may be underdiagnosed in Guatemala, making it difficult to identify this risk group for vaccination. Children 6 months to 5 years old should be among priority groups for vaccination to prevent serious consequences because of 2009 H1N1 infection.
机译:背景:2009年4月,在墨西哥首次发现2009年甲型H1N1大流行性流感(2009 H1N1),但直到几周后才在邻国危地马拉引起广泛传播。方法和原则发现:在2009年H1N1大流行开始之前,使用基于人群的住院肺炎和流感样疾病监测系统,我们追踪了危地马拉2009 H1N1感染的发作。我们确定了2009年5月至12月之间的239例甲型流感(2009 H1N1)感染者,其中76例因肺炎住院,死亡11例(病死率:4.6%,95%可信区间[CI] 2.3-8.1%)。 2009年H1N1感染患者的中位年龄为8.8岁,肺炎住院患者的中位年龄为4.2岁,5岁以下的儿童有5例(45.5%)死亡。 2009年5月至2009年12月期间,5岁以下儿童的粗住院率最高。 2009年H1N1住院患者中有21名(27.6%)被送往重症监护病房,而八名(10.5%)则需要进行机械通气。在2009年H1N1感染住院的肺炎患者中,有14位(18.4%)患有潜在的慢性疾病。结论和意义:危地马拉的慢性病可能未得到充分诊断,因此难以确定该风险人群进行疫苗接种。 6个月至5岁的儿童应优先接种,以防止由于2009年H1N1感染而造成严重后果。



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