首页> 外文期刊>Insectes Sociaux: Bulletin de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux >Nest architecture, fungus gardens, queen, males and larvae of the fungus-growing ant Mycetagroicus inflatus Brando & Mayh-Nunes

Nest architecture, fungus gardens, queen, males and larvae of the fungus-growing ant Mycetagroicus inflatus Brando & Mayh-Nunes

机译:筑巢结构,真菌花园,真菌生长的蚂蚁Mycetagroicus inflatus Brando和Mayh-Nunes的蚁后,雄性和幼虫

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All known fungus-growing ants (tribe Attini) are obligately symbiotic with their cultivated fungi. The fungal cultivars of "lower" attine ants are facultative symbionts, capable of living apart from ants, whereas the fungal cultivars of "higher" attine ants, including leaf-cutting genera Atta and Acromyrmex, are highly specialized, obligate symbionts. Since higher attine ants and fungi are derived from lower attine ants and fungi, understanding the evolutionary transition from lower to higher attine agriculture requires understanding the historical sequence of change in both ants and fungi. The biology of the poorly known ant genus Mycetagroicus is of special interest in this regard because it occupies a phylogenetic position intermediate between lower and higher ant agriculture. Here, based on the excavations of four nests in Para, Brazil, we report the first biological data for the recently described species Mycetagroicus inflatus, including the first descriptions of Mycetagroicus males and larvae. Like M. cerradensis, the only other species in the genus for which nesting biology is known, the garden chambers of M. inflatus are unusually deep and the garden is most likely relocated vertically in rainy and dry seasons. Due to the proximity of nests to the Araguaia River, it is likely that even the uppermost chambers and nest entrances of M. inflatus are submerged during the rainy season. Most remarkably, all three examined colonies of M. inflatus cultivate the same fungal species as their congener, M. cerradensis, over 1,000 km away, raising the possibility of long-term symbiont fidelity spanning speciation events within the genus.
机译:所有已知的真菌生长蚂蚁(部落Attini)都与它们的栽培真菌共生。 “低”普通蚂蚁的真菌品种是兼性共生体,能够与蚂蚁分开生活,而“高”普通蚂蚁的真菌品种,包括切叶属Atta和Acromyrmex,是高度专门化的专性共生体。由于较高等位的蚂蚁和真菌源于较低等位的蚂蚁和真菌,因此要了解从较低等值的蚂蚁和真菌的进化过渡就需要了解蚂蚁和真菌的变化的历史顺序。在这方面,鲜为人知的蚂蚁菌类的生物学特别受关注,因为它在低级和高级蚂蚁农业之间占据着系统发育位置。在此,根据巴西帕拉(Para)四个巢穴的发掘情况,我们报告了最近描述的物种Mycetagroicus inflatus的第一个生物学数据,包括Mycetagroicus雄性和幼虫的第一个描述。像cerradensis一样,该属中唯一已知嵌套生物学的其他物种,inflatus的M. inflatus的花园小室异常深,最有可能在雨季和干旱季节将其垂直放置。由于巢穴靠近阿拉瓜河,因此在雨季,即使是最盛的M. inflatus巢室和巢穴入口也会被淹没。最引人注目的是,这三个经过检查的黄褐斑菌菌落都与其同类动物cerradensis繁殖了超过1,000公里的相同真菌,这增加了该物种内物种共生的长期共生保真度的可能性。



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