首页> 外文期刊>Insectes Sociaux: Bulletin de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux >Colony growth and reproductive ability of feral nests of the introduced bumblebee Bombus terrestris in northern Japan

Colony growth and reproductive ability of feral nests of the introduced bumblebee Bombus terrestris in northern Japan


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The introduced Bombus terrestris has been blamed for the decline of native bumblebee populations in Japan. To control this invasive species, it is necessary to understand its ecological traits in its newly established range. Here, we investigated the colony growth pattern and reproductive ability of feral nests of B. terrestris in northern Japan from 2003 to 2006. Nests collected at various times showed initially slow growth followed by rapid development. This pattern is consistent with findings in previous studies using laboratory-raised colonies. Our results also suggested that protandrous colonies tend to specialize in male production, whereas protogynous colonies specialize in gyne production, producing a split sex ratio in feral colonies of B. terrestris. The numerical population sex ratio was 1.40 gynes per male, calculated from the numbers of pre-emergence cocoons for gynes and males, showing a female-biased sex ratio at the population level. Mature colonies produced a mean of 376.5 cocoons and 90.2 gyne cocoons (22.1% of the total). The proportion of gynes produced by B. terrestris nests exceeded both those of conspecifics observed in other countries and those of consubgeneric native Japanese species. The propagule pressure hypothesis appears to explain the probability of establishment of this invasive species. Suitable nest sites for B. terrestris queens appeared to be in short supply, and B. terrestris may win usurpation contests against native species due to its large size, resulting in the decline of native bumblebee species.
机译:引入的熊蜂土生植物被归咎于日本本地大黄蜂种群的减少。为了控制这种入侵物种,有必要了解其新建立范围内的生态特征。在这里,我们调查了日本北部从2003年到2006年野地。的野生巢的殖民地生长模式和繁殖能力。在不同时间收集的巢最初显示缓慢的生长,然后迅速发展。这种模式与以前使用实验室培养的菌落的研究结果一致。我们的研究结果还表明,原羚集落倾向于以雄性为主,而原生殖集落倾向于以产妇为主,从而在土生芽孢杆菌的野生菌落中产生性别比的分裂。从男性和男性的出苗前茧数计算得出的数字性别比是每男性1.40 gynes,这表明在人口一级有女性偏见的性别比。成熟的菌落平均产生376.5个茧和90.2个gyne茧(占总数的22.1%)。陆地白僵菌巢产生的gygy的比例不仅超过了其他国家所观察到的同种异型,也超过了同属日本本土物种。繁殖体压力假说似乎可以解释这种入侵物种建立的可能性。陆地蚁的合适筑巢地似乎供不应求,而陆地蚁由于其较大的规模可能会赢得对本地物种的侵占竞争,导致本地大黄蜂物种的减少。



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