首页> 外文期刊>Insectes Sociaux: Bulletin de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux >Comparative studies on alate wing formation in two related species of rotten-wood termites: Hodotermopsis sjostedti and Zootermopsis nevadensis (Isoptera, Termopsidae)

Comparative studies on alate wing formation in two related species of rotten-wood termites: Hodotermopsis sjostedti and Zootermopsis nevadensis (Isoptera, Termopsidae)

机译:两种相关物种的烂木白蚁的翼翅形成的比较研究:Shostermtisis sjostedti和nevadensis(Isoptera,Termopsidae)

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Termite colonies are comprised of several types of castes that differentiate throughout postembryonic development. In termopsid termites (family Termopsidae), alates are normally differentiated from apterous instars by two nymphal instar stages and three moulting events. Here, we report that of the rotten-wood termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti. There is only a single nymphal instar between the pseudergate and alate stages. During the annual alate production season in June/July, we observed some nymphs with small wing buds which were dorsally swollen. Those nymphal individuals subsequently moulted into alates through only a single moult. We examined their histology and internal morphology and observed that the folding pattern of the newly formed wings was very different from that seen in second stage nymphs of the closely related species Zootermopsis nevadensis. The newly formed wings of H. sjostedti are formed inside the relatively smaller wing buds and therefore must be folded in a complicated manner. Our observations revealed that the tips of the folded wings were elongated and bent, such that they overlapped in the median plane. We suggest that heterochronic evolutionary change accounts for the compression of nymphal development into a single instar. We also suggest that this probably occurred at either the individual or colony level in this species.
机译:白蚁菌落由几种类型的种姓组成,这些种姓在整个胚胎后发育过程中都不同。在白蚁类白蚁(Termopsidae家族)中,通常通过两个若虫龄期和三个蜕皮事件将板岩与适龄幼虫区分开。在这里,我们报告的烂木白蚁Hodotermopsis sjostedti。在假门和晚期之间只有一个若虫龄。在六月/七月的年度后期生产季节中,我们观察到一些若虫带有翼状小芽,它们的背侧膨大。这些若虫个体随后仅通过一个蜕皮就蜕皮成晚。我们检查了它们的组织学和内部形态,并观察到新形成的翅膀的折叠模式与密切相关的新物种Zotermopsis nevadensis的第二阶段若虫的折叠模式非常不同。 H. sjostedti的新形成的翅膀形成在相对较小的翅膀芽内,因此必须以复杂的方式折叠。我们的观察结果表明,折翼的尖端拉长且弯曲,因此它们在正中平面上重叠。我们建议异时进化改变解释了若虫发育被压缩为单龄。我们还建议,这可能发生在该物种的个体或群体水平上。



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