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Guest Editors' Introduction: Synthetic Biology


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SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY IS trending, as evidenced by the recent achievements in biofuels (microbial production of diesel fuels from fatty acids in Escherichia coli (E. coli) and yeast) and in biother-apeutics (microbial production of artemisnic acid as a viable source of antimalarial drugs). The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition in 2011 had over 165 teams and 1000+ undergraduate participants from around the world. Synthetic Biology had a global market which generated $233.8 million in 2008. This is expected to increase to $2.4 billion in 2013. Synthetic biology alone had a chemicals and energy segment worth $80.6 million in 2008 with a projected growth to $1.6 billion in 2013. Synthetic biology is here to stay. Handcrafted genetic circuits and pathways added to well characterized host organisms are one way produce new synthetic biological systems. These circuits and pathways are not easily identified nor readily constructed; they require extensive funding and research efforts spanning multiple years. "Design flows" are ad hoc, involving trial and error, and relying heavily on biologists' intuition and experience. Recall "design compilers" that were dreams in the late 1970s or the "napkin-to-chip" concept in the 1990s? The equivalent conceptual dream in biology now is just beginning to be articulated in many bioengineering fields spanning synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, systems biology, and genetic engineering. The buzz phrasing.
机译:合成生物学正在成为趋势,最近在生物燃料(大肠杆菌(大肠杆菌)和酵母菌中的脂肪酸中微生物生产柴油燃料)和生物-阿普经济学(微生物生产青蒿酸作为抗疟药物的可行来源)方面取得的成就证明了这一点。2011年国际基因工程机器(iGEM)竞赛有超过165支队伍和来自全球的1000+本科生参赛。合成生物学的全球市场在2008年创造了2.338亿美元的收入。预计2013年这一数字将增至24亿美元。2008 年,仅合成生物学部门就有价值 8060 万美元的化学品和能源部门,预计 2013 年将增长到 16 亿美元。合成生物学将继续存在。手工制作的遗传回路和途径添加到特征明确的宿主生物体中是产生新的合成生物系统的一种方式。这些回路和通路不容易识别,也不容易构建;它们需要广泛的资金和跨越多年的研究工作。“设计流程”是临时的,涉及反复试验,并且严重依赖生物学家的直觉和经验。还记得 1970 年代后期的梦想“设计编译器”或 1990 年代的“餐巾纸到芯片”概念吗?现在,生物学中的等效概念梦想才刚刚开始在合成生物学、代谢工程、系统生物学和基因工程等许多生物工程领域中得到阐述。嗡嗡声的措辞。




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