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Metal adsorption of tannin based rigid foams


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Tannin based rigid foams are structures in which flavonoids are randomly cross-linked with furanic units throughout covalent bonds. The use of these aromatic substrates from natural materials to trap some heavy metal ions dissolved in water solutions is described. Interesting results have been achieved using different mimosa bark tannin (Acacia mearnsii formerly mollissima, De Wildt) and pine bark tannin (Pinus radiata) mixed foams. Capability to catch Pbpo and Cupo ions at different concentrations has been verified throughout ICP-OES analysis of the foams. A reliable proportionality has been found between initial concentration and percentage of metal ions adsorbed. These foams were able to adsorb up to 12.5% of Cu(II) and 20.1% of Pb(II) with respect to the concentration of these ions in solution.
机译:单宁基硬质泡沫是这样一种结构,其中黄酮类化合物在整个共价键中与呋喃单元随机交联。描述了使用来自天然材料的这些芳族底物来捕获溶解在水溶液中的一些重金属离子。使用不同的含羞草树皮单宁(Acacia mearnsii,以前为mollissima,De Wildt)和松树皮单宁(Pinus radiata)混合泡沫已经获得了有趣的结果。在泡沫的ICP-OES分析中,已验证了捕获不同浓度的Pbpo和Cupo离子的能力。在初始浓度和吸附的金属离子的百分比之间找到了可靠的比例。相对于溶液中这些离子的浓度,这些泡沫能够吸附多达12.5%的Cu(II)和20.1%的Pb(II)。



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