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High-Level Languages and Floating-Point Arithmetic for FPGA-Based CFD Simulations

机译:用于基于 FPGA 的 CFD 仿真的高级语言和浮点运算

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COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD) plays a key role in the design and optimization of many industrial applications. In the case of aeronautics, aircraft design has been traditionally based on costly and time-consuming wind tunnel tests. Computer-based flow simulations would enable much faster and less expensive tests, significantly reducing design costs and allowing for the exploration of new airfoil geometries. More importantly, CFD would also enable shape optimization, thus facilitating the development of safer, less polluting and less fuel-consuming aircrafts. Unfortunately, the huge computational costs of CFD prevent it from being a valid tool for the entire design process. CFD is currently used only at some design steps, and wind tunnel tests are still essential. These huge costs come from the Navier-Stokes equations that govern the air flow motion. These Navier-Stokes equations derive from the physical laws of mass, momentum, and energy conservation, and they cannot be solved analytically except in concrete cases, so their solutions must be approximated numerically. The drawback with CFD simulation in aeronautical design is that, in many situations, flows develop two physical phenomena: shock waves and turbulence. Such cases require using a fine discretization of the space to obtain accurate results, so the time required to compute the solutions becomes prohibitive, even in the best high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. Because of this, researchers have expended considerable effort to try to accelerate the execution of these algorithms. Developed algorithms include computing parallelization, GPU computing, and FPGA solutions.
机译:计算流体动力学 (CFD) 在许多工业应用的设计和优化中发挥着关键作用。就航空而言,飞机设计传统上基于昂贵且耗时的风洞测试。基于计算机的流动模拟将实现更快、更便宜的测试,大大降低设计成本,并允许探索新的翼型几何形状。更重要的是,CFD还可以实现形状优化,从而促进更安全、污染更少、燃料消耗更低的飞机的开发。不幸的是,CFD的巨大计算成本使它无法成为整个设计过程的有效工具。CFD目前仅用于某些设计步骤,风洞测试仍然是必不可少的。这些巨大的成本来自控制气流运动的纳维-斯托克斯方程。这些纳维-斯托克斯方程源自质量、动量和能量守恒的物理定律,除非在具体情况下,否则它们无法解析求解,因此它们的解必须以数值方式近似。CFD仿真在航空设计中的缺点是,在许多情况动会产生两种物理现象:冲击波和湍流。这种情况需要使用空间的精细离散化来获得准确的结果,因此计算解决方案所需的时间变得令人望而却步,即使在最好的高性能计算 (HPC) 集群中也是如此。正因为如此,研究人员花费了相当大的精力来试图加速这些算法的执行。开发的算法包括计算并行化、GPU 计算和 FPGA 解决方案。




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