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Your IT Investment: what you need to know to make it in a global, on-demand environment


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While folks from IT and the factory floor usually don't hang out together in the break room, there is undoubtedly a close relationship between the two groups in that modern manufacturing operations can't survive without the help of IT. But which technologies are most important? According to several IT experts interviewed by INMFG, investments need to be made in systems that permit sharing of real-time data and in systems that encourage visibility throughout the now-global manufacturing operation and supply chain. "There are two trends in manufacturing that necessitate an investment in IT. The first is the need to build-to-demand, which requires a modern system that allows manufacturers to operate in a real-time business mode," says David Haskins, executive vice president of development with Webplan, a solutions provider. "The second is the trend toward outsourcing segments of the manufacturing operation and the supply chain from North America to overseas. When this happens, manufacturers need a system that provides visibility of information over the entire business network."
机译:尽管来自IT和工厂车间的人们通常不在休息室里闲逛,但是毫无疑问,这两个群体之间有着密切的关系,因为没有IT的帮助,现代制造业就无法生存。但是,哪些技术最重要?根据INMFG采访的几位IT专家所说,需要在允许共享实时数据的系统以及鼓励在整个全球制造运营和供应链中可视化的系统中进行投资。 “制造业有两种趋势,需要对IT进行投资。首先是按需定制的需求,这需要一种现代系统,该系统必须允许制造商以实时业务模式运行,”执行官David Haskins说。解决方案提供商Webplan的开发副总裁。 “第二个趋势是将制造业务和供应链的各个部分从北美外包到海外的趋势。这种情况发生时,制造商需要一种能够在整个业务网络上提供信息可视性的系统。”



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