首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Effect of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl (Puma Super 10 EC) with and without surfactant (Power Activator) on weeds and wheat yield.

Effect of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl (Puma Super 10 EC) with and without surfactant (Power Activator) on weeds and wheat yield.

机译:带有和不带有表面活性剂(Power Activator)的非诺沙丙-P-乙基(Puma Super 10 EC)对杂草和小麦产量的影响。

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A field experiment was conducted in Pantnagar, Uttaranchal, India, during the winter of 2001-02 and 2002-03 to study the effects of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl [fenoxaprop-P] applied singly or in combination with Power Activator against weeds (mainly Phalaris minor and Avena ludoviciana [A. sterilis subsp. ludoviciana] infesting wheat (cv. PBW 343)). The application of Power Activator increased the efficacy of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl at 80 and 100 g ha-1 against grassy weeds in wheat plots. The efficacy of this herbicide at 120 g ha-1 was not affected due to incorporation of the surfactant. Fenoxaprop at 100 g ha-1 with or without the surfactant resulted in wheat grain yields on a par with those recorded for the weed-free treatment and for clodinafop-propargyl [clodinafop] at 400 g ha-1..
机译:2001-02和2002-03冬季,在印度乌塔兰恰的Pantnagar进行了田间试验,研究了单独施用或与Power Activator联合使用的非诺沙丙-P-乙基[fenoxaprop-P]对杂草的影响(主要是ala头小and和Avena ludoviciana [A. sterilis subsp.ludoviciana]侵染小麦(cv。PBW 343)。 Power Activator的应用提高了80 g和100 g ha-1的fenoxaprop-P-ethyl对小麦田中草类杂草的功效。由于加入了表面活性剂,因此该除草剂在120 g ha-1下的功效不受影响。在有或没有表面活性剂的情况下,100 g ha-1的非诺沙丙产生的小麦籽粒产量与无杂草处理和400 g ha-1的克洛那非-炔丙基[clodinafop]记录的相当。



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