首页> 外文期刊>Brain research >Participation of endogenous galanin in the suppression of baroreceptor reflex response by locus coeruleus in the rat.

Participation of endogenous galanin in the suppression of baroreceptor reflex response by locus coeruleus in the rat.


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We evaluated the potential participation of endogenous brain galanin (GAL) in the suppression of baroreceptor reflex (BRR) response by locus coeruleus (LC), using adult male Sprague-Dawley rats anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (40 mg/kg, i.p., with 15 mg/kg/h i.v. infusion supplements). Our physiologic and pharmacologic results demonstrated that bilateral microinjection of GAL antiserum (1:20, 20 nl) into the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), the terminal site for baroreceptor afferent fibers, significantly attenuated the suppressive effect of LC on the BRR response. Pretreatment with the same amount of normal rabbit serum (1:20) or heat-inactivated GAL antiserum (1:20), on the other hand, was ineffective. Microinjection of GAL (100 pmol) into the bilateral NTS also appreciably depressed the BRR response. Histochemically, retrogradely labeled neurons were distributed in the LC following microinjection of fast blue into the NTS. Immunofluorescent staining further revealed that some of these fast blue labeled LC neurons also showed positive immunoreactivity to GAL. These results suggest that a direct galaninergic projection to the NTS may participate in the suppression of BRR response by the LC.
机译:我们使用戊巴比妥钠(40 mg / kg,ip,15麻醉)的成年雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠,评估了内源性脑甘丙肽(GAL)可能抑制蓝斑轨迹(LC)抑制压力感受器反射(BRR)反应。静脉输注补充剂)。我们的生理和药理结果表明,将双抗GAL抗血清(1:20,20 nl)双侧注射到压力感受器传入纤维的终末部位孤束核(NTS)中,显着减弱了LC对BRR反应的抑制作用。另一方面,用相同量的正常兔血清(1:20)或热灭活的GAL抗血清(1:20)进行预处理无效。将GAL(100 pmol)微量注射到双侧NTS中也明显降低了BRR反应。组织化学上,逆向标记的神经元在将固蓝微注射到NTS中后分布在LC中。免疫荧光染色进一步显示,这些深蓝色标记的LC神经元中的一些也显示出对GAL的阳性免疫反应性。这些结果表明,直接将精氨酸投射到NTS可能参与了LC对BRR反应的抑制。



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