首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Evaluation of suitable weed management programme in hybrid maize

Evaluation of suitable weed management programme in hybrid maize


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Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereal crops in the world agricultural economy both as food for human beings and feed for animals. Weed infestation is a major constraint in maize cultivation resulting in the reduction of yield to the extent of 33 to 72 percent (Thakur and Sharma, 1996). The traditional method of hand weeding is time consuming and constrained with labour scarcity, though it is considered as the best. Herbicide usage is limited because the recommended herbicides likeatrazine, paraquat and metolachlor have limited selectivity and fail to control the perennials. For the control of perennial weeds, different control measures need to be integrated. If the various components of integrated weed management are implementedin a systematic manner, acceptable level of weed control can be achieved (Dubey et al., 1996). Integrated weed management is graining importance under the present trend of fanning system. An attempt was made to evolve a suitable weed management programme and the best nozzle for herbicide spraying in maize.
机译:玉米(Zea mays L.)是世界农业经济中最重要的谷物作物之一,无论是作为人类的食物还是动物的饲料。杂草侵染是玉米种植中的主要限制因素,导致单产降低了33%至72%(Thakur和Sharma,1996)。传统的人工除草方法虽然耗时且受劳动力短缺的限制,但被认为是最好的方法。除草剂的使用受到限制,因为推荐的除草剂如at去津,百草枯和异丙甲草胺的选择性有限,无法控制多年生植物。为了控制多年生杂草,需要整合不同的控制措施。如果以系统的方式实施杂草综合治理的各个组成部分,则可以实现可接受的杂草控制水平(Dubey等,1996)。在扇形系统的当前趋势下,杂草综合治理至关重要。试图开发一种合适的杂草处理程序和玉米喷洒除草剂的最佳喷嘴。



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