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Water use efficiency and phyto-remediation potential of water hyacinthunder elevated C02

机译:风信子在CO 2升高下的水分利用效率和植物修复潜力

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A pot culture experiment was conducted in Open Top Chambers during 2007-08. The plantlets (ramets) of water hyacinth were grown in pots with four different media (Mi- tap water, M_2- distilled water, M3-hoagland solution and M4- hoagland solution withadded heavy metals) in three replications and the pots were kept in open top chambers (OTCs), maintained at ambient (360±20ppm) and elevated C02 (550±30 ppm), and in open field conditions. Pots in three replications from each media-without plant-werekept under the above three conditions as control to measure the evaporation for WUE estimation. The growth of the plants grown in M_1 and M_2 was severely affected. The plants grown under elevated C02 and nutrient rich media (M_3 and M_4) maintained higher green-leaf area over the growth period and recorded higher net assimilation rate (NAR). C02 enrichment resulted into reduction of water loss (increased WUE) from plants grown in hoagland (M3) and heavy metal (M4) solutions. When the comparison was made in between M_3 and M_4 treatments, there was tremendous increase in WUE (reduced transpirational loss of water per gram of dry matter produced) in plants grown in M4 the elevated CO_2 enhanced the uptake of heavy metals like Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in both the media but it was higher in M_4than in M_3 due to increased availability.
机译:在2007-08年期间,在Open Top Chambers中进行了盆栽实验。将风信子的小苗(分株)在装有四种不同培养基(自来水,M_2-蒸馏水,M3-hoagland溶液和M4-hoagland溶液和添加重金属的M4-hogland溶液)的盆中进行三次重复培养,并将盆保持打开状态顶室(OTC),保持在环境(360±20ppm)和升高的CO2(550±30 ppm)以及露天条件下。在上述三个条件下,从每种培养基中取出三份重复进行的盆栽,不需植物处理,作为对照,以测量蒸发量以估算WUE。 M_1和M_2中生长的植物的生长受到严重影响。在较高的CO 2和营养丰富的培养基(M_3和M_4)下生长的植物在整个生长期保持较高的绿叶面积,并记录较高的净同化率(NAR)。二氧化碳的富集减少了在牧场(M3)和重金属(M4)溶液中生长的植物的水分流失(增加的WUE)。在M_3和M_4处理之间进行比较时,在M4中生长的植物中WUE(每克产生的干物质的水分蒸腾作用损失减少)显着增加,CO_2的升高提高了对重金属如Cu,Fe,两种培养基中的Mn和Zn,但由于可用性提高,M_4中的锰和Zn高于M_3。



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