首页> 外文期刊>Indian Minerals >Tectono-metamorphic history recorded in high-grade rocks from Filchnerfjella:Further evidence for Pan-African reworking of the Grenville-aged crust in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

Tectono-metamorphic history recorded in high-grade rocks from Filchnerfjella:Further evidence for Pan-African reworking of the Grenville-aged crust in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

机译:在Filchnerfjella的高级岩石中记录了构造变质的历史:南极东部Dronning Maud地中部Grenville年龄的地壳的泛非洲改造的进一步证据

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The bedrock exposed in Filchnerfjella comprises migmatitic gneissic biotite - hornblende granite with amphibolite boudins, intruded by peraluminous garnet-bearing alaskite. The garnet-bearing alaskite contains enclaves of deformed mafic granulite layers and migmatitic gneissic granite. The migmatitic gneissic granite shows contact with a sheet-like foliated charnockite and rare layers of garnet-sillimanite-cordierite-bearing metapelitic granulite occur at the contact of foliated charnockite and migmatitic gneissic granite.The rocks record imprints of high-grade tectono-metamorphic events, D_1/M_1 and D_2/M_2 followed by D3 and D4 deformation events. The dominant layering and foliation in the migmatitic gneissic granite represents a composite fabric (S_1/ /S_2) which trends E to ENE with moderate dips to the south and was the form surface deformed during D_2. The D_2 deformation resulted in formation of map-scale N- to NNW-vergent F_2 folds overturned to the south and development of mesoscopic-scale S_2 foliation in foliated charnockite and garnet-bearing alaskite. All the lithounits were later folded by regional F_3 folds formed during the D_3 deformation, which are upright, nearly cylindrical and have axial trace trending E-W resulting in the present-day map-pattern. N-S-trending F_4 folds have weakly deformed the F_3 axial trace.The gneissic granite and its amphibolite boudins preserve an amphibolite-facies imprint, whereas the retrograde P-T path inferred for the high-grade rocks comprises a near-isothermal decompression segment from near-peak granulite-facies conditions of 7-8 kbar and >=700 degC (M_1 -stage) to ~4.5 kbar and ~650-700 degC (M_2 -stage), recorded in metapelitic granulite and in boudins of mafic granulite.The protolith of the gneissic granite probably was emplaced around 1.1 Ga, as they are similar to the dated granodioritic rocks of adjacent Conradgebirge and Miihlig-Hofmann Mountains. The foliated charnockite yields a Rb-Sr whole-rock errorchron corresponding to an age of 536±56 Ma (MSWD=4.4) with Sr_i=0.7338±0.0007 and is interpreted broadly as time of cooling post-dating the syn-D_2 amphibolite-facies recrystallisation. Thus, it is very likely that this Pan-African timing for the major D_1/M_1 and M_2/D_2 events, with interleaved amphibolite-facies and granulite-facies rocks, links M_1 and M_2 metamorphic stages into a continuous path. This reworking of the Grenville-aged rocks, from the central Dronning Maud Land, is interpreted to have occurred due to collision of the ~1.1 Ga Coats Land-Maud-Grunehogna block with the East Antarctic craton followed by subsequent uplift.
机译:Filchnerfjella中暴露的基岩包括多角质片麻岩黑云母-角闪石花岗岩和角闪石花岗石,由含钙铝石榴石的钙铝石侵入。带有石榴石的方解石包含变形的镁铁质花岗石层和多面性片麻岩花岗岩。片麻质片麻质花岗岩与片状叶状菱铁矿接触,在片状麻质岩和含镁质片麻岩花岗岩接触时出现稀有的石榴石-硅线石-堇青石型变质花岗岩。 ,D_1 / M_1和D_2 / M_2,然后是D3和D4变形事件。多层麻片麻岩花岗岩中的主要分层和叶状结构代表了一种复合织物(S_1 / / S_2),该复合织物趋向于E向ENE方向倾斜,并向南倾斜,并且在D_2期间变形了。 D_2变形导致向南翻转的地图规模N到NNW趋向F_2褶皱形成,并在叶状菱铁矿和含石榴石的方石中形成了中观尺度S_2叶片。随后,所有岩石单元都被D_3变形过程中形成的局部F_3褶皱折叠,这些褶皱是直立的,近乎圆柱形的,并且具有沿E-W趋势的轴向走线,从而形成了当今的地图模式。 NS趋势的F_4褶皱弱化了F_3轴向迹线。片麻岩花岗岩及其闪长岩布丁保留了闪长岩相印记,而推断出的高品位岩石的逆行PT路径包括了从近峰到近等温的减压段。在变质粒云母和镁铁质花岗质花岗岩中记录的7-8 kbar和> = 700 degC(M_1级)到〜4.5 kbar和〜650-700 degc(M_2级)的花岗石相条件。片麻岩花岗岩大概放置在1.1 Ga附近,因为它们类似于相邻的Conradgebirge和Miihlig-Hofmann山的陈年花岗二叠纪岩石。叶状霞石产生的Rb-Sr全岩逆时针,对应年龄为536±56 Ma(MSWD = 4.4),Sr_i = 0.7338±0.0007,广泛地解释为将syn-D_2闪石相定型后的冷却时间重结晶。因此,很有可能是主要的D_1 / M_1和M_2 / D_2事件的泛非洲时机,与交错的闪石岩相和花岗石相相岩石,将M_1和M_2变质阶段连接成一条连续路径。从Dronning Maud地中部对Grenville年龄的岩石进行的这种修复被解释为是由于〜1.1 Ga Coats Land-Maud-Grunehogna块与南极东部克拉通的碰撞,随后又发生了隆起。



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