首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Effect of plant population and mulching on wild watermelon growth and yield

Effect of plant population and mulching on wild watermelon growth and yield


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A field study of wild watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) establishment and yield using seed to compare the effects of different population densities (3,000, 6,000, 9,000 and 12,000 plants ha(-1)) and mulching rates (0, 2.5 and 5 t ha(-1)) with grass mulch on soil water, temperature, vine length, number of branches and leaves per plant, fruit number per plant and per hectare, total yield, fresh and dry fruit mass was conducted. The fruit per hectare and total yields increased as the plant population increased resulting in high yields in the range from 6,00012,000 plants per hectare. Yield was more influenced by plant population than by mulching. Mulching did not affect growth and yield of wild watermelon but it affected soil temperature and soil moisture. More water was conserved, while soil temperature was reduced upon increased mulching. This was shown by 31 and 12.6% increase in volumetric water content when the amount of mulch was increased by 2.5 and 5 t/ha, respectively. However, this was associated with only 1 C change in temperature, which may be significant for critical stages of plant growth.
机译:使用种子对野生西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)的建立和产量进行田间研究,以比较不同种群密度(3,000、6,000、9,000和12,000植物ha(-1))和覆盖率(0、2.5和5 t ha( -1))在土壤水,温度,葡萄藤长度,每株植物的枝叶数,每株植物和每公顷的果实数,总产量,新鲜和干燥果实量上覆盖草。每公顷果实和总产量随着植物种群的增加而增加,从而导致高产量,范围从每公顷6,00012,000株植物。产量受植物种群的影响大于受覆盖的影响。地膜覆盖不影响野生西瓜的生长和产量,但会影响土壤温度和土壤湿度。保留了更多的水,而随着覆盖增加土壤温度降低。当覆盖物的量分别增加2.5吨/公顷和5吨/公顷时,体积水含量分别增加了31%和12.6%。但是,这仅与温度变化1 C有关,这对于植物生长的关键阶段可能很重要。



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