首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Prospects of conversion of marshy areas -- a technoeconomic feasibility for cardamom cultivation

Prospects of conversion of marshy areas -- a technoeconomic feasibility for cardamom cultivation


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A model field investigation was conducted for converting the low-lying marshy area for cultivation of cardamom by adopting high production technology. The study area was completely marshy and was unsuitable for cultivation of any plantation crop. As cardamom is a moisture and shade-loving plantation crop, an attempt was made to bring the marshy area under cardamom cultivation by providing adequate drainage and raising fastgrowing shade tree species. A detailed economic evaluation showed that by following intensive cultivation a moderate yield of 135 kg/ha could be obtained in the very second year after planting (19 months) comapred with 30 months required under the normal practice. A peak yield of 1,510 kg/ha was realised with an outstanding net return of Rs 4,32,737.95/ha in the third year (1994-95). On the whole an average yield of 691.67 kg/ha for 6 crop seasons (1993-94 to 1998-99) was obtained. Of the total costs, labour component accounted for a major share of 65.47% (Rs 61,770.41/ha), which highlights the generation of gainful employment opportunities for small and marginal farmers. The study revealed that the cultivation of cardamom in marshy areas would be an economically remunerative and ecologically feasible proposition, as the discounted cash flow measures viz., NPV (net profit value), BCR (benefit: cost ratio) and IRR (internal rate of return), justified the viability of cardamom cultivation. The payback period of 2.14 years indicated that the investment on cardamom can be met in 3 years by successful conversion of marshy areas.
机译:通过采用高产技术,进行了模型田间调查,以将低洼沼泽地改造成豆蔻种植地。研究区域完全潮湿,不适合种植任何人工林。由于小豆蔻是一种喜好水分和阴凉的种植作物,因此试图通过提供充足的排水和养成速生的遮荫树种,使沼泽地进入小豆蔻种植。一项详细的经济评估表明,在集约化种植后的第二年(19个月)与正常实践所需的30个月相辅相成,通过精耕细作,中等产量可达到135 kg / ha。在第三年(1994-95年),最高产量达到了1,510公斤/公顷,净收益为4,32,737.95卢比/公顷。总体而言,六个作物季节(1993-94至1998-99)的平均产量为691.67千克/公顷。在总成本中,劳动力部分占65.47%(61,770.41卢比/公顷)的主要份额,这突出说明了为小型和边际农民创造了有酬就业机会。该研究表明,在沼泽地区种植小豆蔻将是一种经济上有利可图且在生态上可行的提议,因为现金流折现法可衡量的是NPV(净利润值),BCR(收益:成本比)和IRR(内部收益率)。返回),证明了豆蔻栽培的可行性。 2.14年的投资回收期表明,成功改造湿地面积可以在3年内满足小豆蔻的投资。



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