首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Effect of IBA and planting containers on shoot and root characters and survival of litchi air-Bayers

Effect of IBA and planting containers on shoot and root characters and survival of litchi air-Bayers


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The experiment was conducted on fourteen-year old litchi trees. Layers were treated with three levels of IBA i.e. 0, 500 and 1000 ppm. Rooted layers were planted after 60 days of layering in four types of containers viz., polythene bags, root trainer,nursery bed and plastic pot. Shoot and root growth and survival were recorded after seven months of planting of root layers. IBA at 1000 ppm significantly increased plant height, 1st, 2nd and 3rd order roots/layer, length of longest root, mean root length, mean root thickness, diameter of 1st order root, fresh weight of roots/layer and survival of layers. However, all the concentrations of IBA failed to exert any significant effect on diameter of stem, number of leaves/layer, leaf area and dry weight of roots/layer. Similarly, layers plants in root trainer significantly improved shoots and root characters and survival of layers. Maximum values on various shoot and root parameters and survival were noted in 1000 ppm IBA and root trainer treatment combination.
机译:实验是在十四岁的荔枝树上进行的。用三种水平的IBA即0、500和1000ppm处理层。分层生根60天后,将根茎层种植在四种类型的容器中,即聚乙烯袋,根系训练器,育苗床和塑料盆。种植根层七个月后,记录了芽和根的生长与存活。 IBA在1000 ppm时显着增加了植物高度,一,二,三阶根/层,最长根的长度,平均根长,平均根厚度,一阶根的直径,根的鲜重/层和层的存活率。但是,所有浓度的IBA都不能对茎的直径,叶数/层数,叶面积和根/层的干重产生任何显着影响。同样,根部训练器中的蛋鸡植株可以显着改善枝条和根系特性以及蛋鸡的存活率。在1000 ppm IBA和根部培训器处理组合中记录了各种枝条和根系参数以及存活率的最大值。



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