首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Micro-nutrients content in petiole and leaf lamina as affected by applied nitrogen in grape (Vitis vinifera L) cv. Perlette

Micro-nutrients content in petiole and leaf lamina as affected by applied nitrogen in grape (Vitis vinifera L) cv. Perlette

机译:葡萄(Vitis vinifera L)cv中施用的氮影响叶柄和叶片中的微营养素含量。佩莱特

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Micronutrient contributes a meager proportion of total mineral content in the leaves; but their presence is necessary for certain enzymes and enzymatic activities leading to various physiological activities in grapevines. The micro-nutrient (Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn) contents in petiole and leaf lamina of Perlette grapevines as affected by graded doses of N was significant. Iron, Cu and Zn concentration was found maximum at N_(500) level in both petiole and leaf lamina. This effect is attributed to the absorption of good amount of these nutrients from the soil. Further increase in N dose beyond N_(500) did not improve the concentration significantly but there was a slight decrease in concentration of these micro-nutrients might have occurred due to dilution effect on account of increased dry matter production. Mn content with varying level of N did not exhibit any definite trend.
机译:微量元素占叶片中总矿物质含量的比例很小;但是它们的存在对于某些酶和酶活性是必要的,这些酶和酶活性导致葡萄树具有各种生理活性。 Perlette葡萄的叶柄和叶片中微量营养元素(Fe,Cu,Mn和Zn)的含量受N分级影响很大。在叶柄和叶片中,铁,铜和锌的浓度最高达到N_(500)。这种作用归因于从土壤中吸收了大量的这些养分。超过N_(500)的N剂量进一步增加并未显着提高浓度,但由于干物质产量增加,由于稀释作用,这些微量营养素的浓度可能略有下降。氮含量变化时锰含量没有明显的变化趋势。



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