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F.W.Webb delivery driver, family injured in Boston blast

机译:F.W. Webb送货司机,家人在波士顿爆炸中受伤

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Kevin Corcoran, a driver for F.W. Webb was at the Boston Marathon with his daughter, Sydney, 17, and wife Celeste to watch Sydney's aunt cross the finish line when one of the two bombs detonated in close proximity. Sydney's legs were shredded by shrapnel from the blast and she suffered deep arterial injuries. Her life was saved by two bystanders who applied pressure to the wounds long enough for her to receive medical attention. A photo of Sydney, lying on a bloodied sidewalk, being attended to by two bystanders, ran on the front page of the Boston Globe the next day.
机译:F.W. Webb的司机Kevin Corcoran与他的女儿17岁的悉尼和妻子Celeste一起参加了波士顿马拉松赛,观看当两枚炸弹之一近距离引爆时悉尼的姨妈越过终点线。爆炸造成的碎片弹碎了悉尼的腿,她遭受了严重的动脉伤害。她的生命被两名旁观者救出,他们向伤口施加了足够长的压力,足以让她接受医疗救治。第二天,一张躺在悉尼流血的人行道上的悉尼照片被两名旁观者照看,在波士顿环球报的头版上奔跑。



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