首页> 外文期刊>Australian Viticulture >Table and driedgrapes: High productivity and high quality not mutually exclusive goals in driedgrape production

Table and driedgrapes: High productivity and high quality not mutually exclusive goals in driedgrape production


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DRIED VINE FRUIT PRODUCERS can apply sufficient nitrogen to meet a Sultana vine's needs without affecting the colour of their fruit once it is in storage, a four-year trial has found. The trial formed part of the CRCV project "Enhanced vineyard productivity through development and adoption of superior vineyard nutrient management strategies". It was conducted at NSW Agriculture's Agricultural Research and Advisory Station at Dareton in the Murray Valley by Dr Ayalsew Zerihun, a CRCV Postdoctoral Fellow under the supervision of Dr Michael Treeby of CSIRO Plant Industry based at Merbein in Victoria. The trial has been completed and Dr Zerihun is now with NSW Department of Primary Industries.
机译:一项为期四年的试验发现,干制葡萄果生产商可以在储存后使用足够的氮以满足苏丹葡萄的需求,而不会影响其果实的颜色。该试验是CRCV项目“通过开发和采用优质葡萄园养分管理策略提高葡萄园生产力”的一部分。它是由CRCV博士后研究员Ayalsew Zerihun博士在墨累谷Dareton的NSW农业农业研究与咨询站进行的,该博士是在维多利亚州Merbein的CSIRO Plant Industry的Michael Treeby博士的监督下进行的。试验已经完成,Zerihun博士现在就职于新南威尔士州第一产业部。



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