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Micro-management the key to vineyard success


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You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that what goes up must come down. Harvest bumper crops one year, and you get slim pickings the next. That's what your average Tasmanian Pinot Noir producer will tell you whenever vintage comes around. Indeed, many believe you might even call it a rule of thumb on the 'Pinot Isle'. Validation can be readily found among record-setting seasons like 2001, 2005 and 2008 and the corresponding low-yielding vintages of 2002, 2006 and 2009. That noted, Cape Bernier's Alastair Christie is not your average Tasmanian Pinot Noir producer. The story of his picturesque four-hectare vineyard overlooking Marion Bay in the cool south-east corner of the State certainly isn't one of vintage highs and lows. Crop production in this cool and breezy environment has always been a struggle for the one-time engineer, mathematician and government adviser.
机译:您不必成为火箭科学家就可以知道上升的必然是下降的。一年收获丰收,第二年收获丰收。这就是塔斯马尼亚黑皮诺葡萄酒的普通生产商会在年份临近时告诉您的内容。确实,许多人认为您甚至可以将其称为“黑皮诺岛”的经验法则。在2001、2005和2008等创纪录的季节以及2002、2006和2009相应的低产年份中都可以轻松地进行验证。要注意的是,Cape Bernier的Alastair Christie不是塔斯马尼亚黑皮诺的平均产地。他风景如画的四公顷葡萄园俯瞰着州立东南角的马里恩湾,这个故事当然不是老式的高潮和低谷之一。在凉爽而微风的环境中,农作物生产一直是一次性工程师,数学家和政府顾问的奋斗目标。



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